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PHCS Health Insurance Quotes, Plans, and Company Review


When looking for health insurance it is very important to keep in mind that there are many companies out there that will try offering you the best prices for your needs. However, not all of them are known all around the United States and not all of them offer you the same benefits. One of the many companies offering coverage in the continental United States is Private Health Care Systems best known as PHCS. They are the primary national PPO network and care management product of the company MultiPlan.

Before talking about PHSC it's important to know a little bit more about the parent company. MultiPlan was founded in 1970 and is the oldest and largest of independent, network-based cost management solutions. They have more than half a million health care providers that service an estimated 40 million consumers. To top it all of the estimated millions of consumers have about 70 million claims that are processed through MultiPlan's networks each year. How about that for a health insurance option?

On the other hand Private Health Care Systems (Owned by MultiPlan as said before) has the largest proprietary preferred provider (PPO) organization in all the United States. With about 450,000 members attending one of the 4,000 facilities PHCS members have access to a variety of providers around the United States. They are also the first and only propriety network to earn five endorsements due to quality from two nationally recognized quality assurance organizations, URAC and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

PHCS' job is to contact their providers in order for them to allow their network member to visit them at lower costs. The network also has something referred to as a "High network retention rate" which means that once a customer selects a Primary Care Physician (PCP) that doctor will remain available all through their health plan. Most of the people that are members of this great network include large employers such as companies and enterprises, commercial insurance carriers, regional managed cared organizations and third party administrators. The PHCS network offers the following to its members:

National Access with Excellent Cost Savings: No matter where the members are, they offer a variety of services from coast to coast. You can contact them at (866) 750-7427 to see how much they can save you in health care costs.

PHCS Healthy Directions: Eliminates the need of having an HMO, PPO or POS because it pays full charges for services when a member travels or goes to school outside the coverage area. As a member you will be able to have freedom in order for you to choose a provider from within the national network, to lower your out of pocket costs for members with providers in the PHCS Network, and to call a toll free number in your I.D. card for provider information.

Quality: PHCS didn't just link a variety of little networks and pierce them together, instead they created a national network that allows them to credential and re-credential their providers to maintain good quality healthcare.

Private Health Care Systems is a care management company as well as network based insurance. PHCS is the second largest independent care management company functioning in the United States today. Their care management specialists review any patients' cases to make certain that patients receive the best treatment available as well as giving them freedom to from a variety of options that nest suit their unique utilization review needs. You are able to employ this care management system in the area of your business where it will make the biggest impact. PHCS Core Plan includes the following utilization management products, however, is important to keep in mind that you can add some supplemental products that will be discussed below in addition to the Core Value ones.

Core Value Plan:
1. Concurrent Review
2. Certification
3. Discharge Planning

Additional Supplemental Modules that can be purchased:
1. Chiropractic Review
2. Selective CT/MRI Review
3. Podiatry Review
4. Outpatient Rehabilitation Review

The key to finding the best health insurance plan for your needs is to compare quotes from top companies side by side. To compare health insurance quotes from top companies like PHCS, United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, and others then visit today!

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Health Insurance Plans Covering Maternity


Many families are in search of affordable health insurance that will provide maternity or pregnancy benefits. Health carriers offer such plans, but they vary in the amount of coverage provided. Many insurers will not provide benefits to the insured for at least nine months.

As with all things insurance related, you must plan ahead. Occasionally, consumers are interested in maternity policies once they are already pregnant. They are disappointed to learn insurance cannot be purchased to cover a pregnant spouse - pregnancy is a preexisting condition. Insurers simply will not take on this risk. However, a health plan can be purchased for a healthy mother and child after delivery.

When is My Pregnancy Covered?

Generally, policies will provide benefits for maternity after the insurance has been in force for nine months, but some carriers offer plan with limited benefits that begin day one. However, if you were to purchase a plan with a nine month waiting period, your pregnancy would not be covered if the child was delivered before the nine month window had expired. Again, it is prudent to plan ahead and purchase a policy with a maternity rider some months before conception.

It might be helpful to look at this from the insurance provider's point of view. Typically, when a couple desires and pays for a maternity plan, then they are likely to use it. The insurance company is relatively certain that a claim will come in the near future. Thus, they will build the cost into the premium for the insured (you) and mandate a waiting period. That being said, some companies are offering plans that are more attractive than others.

A Popular HSA Maternity Plan with a Reasonable Deductible

One insurance company offers a Health Savings Account (or HSA) with a maternity rider and a low $1,500 individual deductible. Once the deductible has been reached and the nine month waiting period has been satisfied, the plan would cover the balance of the pregnancy. In this example, you could fund the HSA account with at least the $1,500 and write that off against your income. The $1,500 could be withdrawn tax free to satisfy the deductible and then the policy benefits would kick in. Currently, this HSA plan is one of the more popular policies available.

Another popular plan has no waiting period and provides more benefits the longer the policy is held. The maternity rider will cover $2,000 toward a pregnancy in the first two years. During years three and four, the policy will pay up to $4,000 and years five and on the policy provides coverage up to $6,000.

Another option is to simply self insure for a pregnancy. Many consumers will purchase traditional health insurance or possibly an HSA qualified plan and save each month in order to cover maternity expenses.

How are Pregnancies Billed?

At this point, clients often ask about pre-natal care and doctor's office visits. Fortunately, most Obstetricians do not charge as you go. Doctor's visits, pre-natal care and delivery are all included as part of the pregnancy and usually subject to one, pre-determined charge. Thus, the final bill can be run through your insurance company (assuming you purchased a maternity rider) and then settled up.

When purchasing health insurance policies covering pregnancy, you must plan ahead. There are several options available, but you will get the most from your policy if you do your due diligence and purchase the policy ahead of time.

Request a Health Insurance Quote with Maternity

A.M. Hyers has been working in the insurance and investment industry for over ten years. He owns and operates Hyers and Associates, Inc. an independent insurance agency doing business in Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Ohio.

His agency offers insurance products in the individual, family, and small business group marketplace. They use the leading national insurance carriers to quote health insurance, health savings accounts, dental, and vision plans.

Other lines of insurance offered include life insurance, disability insurance, and long term care insurance. They use several carriers to quote Medicare supplement plans and Medicare Part D coverage for seniors. Additionally, the independent agents of Hyers and Associates Inc. offer fixed, indexed, and immediate annuity policies for individual and group retirement plans.

Insurance quotes in Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Ohio

Individual, Family and Group Health Insurance Quotes in Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Ohio

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Health - 6 Ways to Nourish the Body With Food


1. Holistic

Food choices should be "close to the source," which means that they should be mostly unprocessed. For instance, fresh turkey breast is a holistic food; 96% lean turkey deli meat is not. Even though the deli turkey is lean, it has been through a factory, exposed extensively to preservatives and chemicals; hence, it is not the best choice for your body.

In like manner, grains like brown rice and old-fashioned rolled oats are healthy, but 10-minute brown rice and instant oatmeal are weak choices. The carbohydrates need to be included in your diet, but it is essential to get them in a whole form!

In terms of fruits and vegetables, fresh and frozen, with no sugar or salt added, are good options.

Low-fat, no salt added cottage cheese = good; Velveeta = bad

2. Equilibrium in nutrients and food groups

Nutrients include all food components that are required to keep your body healthy and alive. Vitamins and minerals are nutrients, as are carbohydrate, fat, and protein. It is important to ensure that a minimal amount of all nutrients are taken over the long term. As a very general rule of thumb, you need the following as a minimum in your diet: 125g carbohydrates (the minimum required by organs); 0.5g protein/lb body weight (just a little about the current RDA); about 35g fat (consisting mostly of unsaturated fats). Your diet will likely include even more carbohydrates, protein, and fat, but the point is that a healthy diet does not eradicate any given component!

Eat a variety of foods and colors to ensure dietary equilibrium. A mark of a healthy diet is one that does not restrict specific kinds of food groups. For instance, grain, dairy (low-fat), nuts, and meat (lean) are all good to eat. Highly processed packaged and fried foods don't really fit into a group, so they should not make up a significant part of your diet!

3. Adequate Volume and Calories

Nourishing a healthy body and/or building muscle requires adequate calories. The brain receives signals based on the dietary energy level and content, which, in turn, affects immune function, hormone release, and countless bodily functions.

Your body will give you several warning signs if you dietary energy level is too low. For example a sudden drop in heart rate, feeling freezing cold all the time, brittle hair and nails, aging quickly and exceedingly dry skin all may indicate that you are being too restrictive. In this case, your efforts to loose weight or become healthier are completely counter-productive because your body is trying desperately to conserve fuel; i.e. your metabolism is moving a crawl and your calorie-burn is low. Eat enough energy to build yourself and maintain the stamina needed for an action-packed life!

4. Loaded with Energy Early in the Day

Studies prove that breakfast eaters are less likely to be overweight. Also, "breaking the fast" is important to maintain lean mass; eating is the first thing on my mind when I wake up!

In general, I tend to have about to 2/3 of my daily calorie intake eaten by the end of my "lunch" meal.

5. Timed Properly

Eating one colossal meal per day is unacceptable; many people follow this pattern; skip breakfast; muffin at lunch; enormous unhealthy dinner. This method is a recipe for guaranteed failure.

Some nutritionists believe that everyone needs 6-8 "meals" per day. This rule is kind of silly; different people respond better to different eating frequencies. I personally do eat 6-8 mini-meals per day; however, some people have enough trouble eating four times a day.

In short, you need to eat balanced meals containing protein, carbohydrate, and fat, which are spaced evenly apart, at several times points during the day. Protein and carbohydrate give the body anabolic signals, which will help you maintain lean mass as you go throughout your day; fat is needed to absorb all fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and at least 5-10g should be taken in at each meal.

6. Hits the Spot

Some people "eat to live." But that sure doesn't describe me! Food should not be selected purely based on function. To some extent, eating whole, natural foods is an acquired taste, but you will develop the taste for it! So experiment and find healthy foods that are satisfying to you!

Also, some foods have no real redeeming nutritional value, but are still important to have every now and then for satisfaction (e.g. my occasional DQ splurge)! Healthy eating habits are not developed overnight, so try every day to eat what is best for your body. In time, healthy eating will be intuitive and enjoyable!

Jean Jitomir MS, RD is an experienced nutrition coach, physique competitor, and Exercise Nutrition Ph.D. student. She write fitness and nutrition articles and blogs regularly at

Her personal website is:

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Health Benefits of Vitamin D


Many people chose not to take a multivitamin daily. Even though that is a personal choice, some people are simply unaware of the potential health benefits that most vitamins offer. For instance, vitamin D aids in the formation and in the maintenance of strong bones. Many people who don't get enough vitamin D often suffer from muscular weakness and weak bones; therefore, it is important to be aware of the health benefits that each vitamin has to offer.

Vitamin D can be absorbed by your body in many different ways. First of all, you can gain vitamin D by consuming several foods, such as: fish, eggs, fortified milk, and cod liver oil. Vitamin D can also be absorbed through sun exposure. Many researchers state that just ten minutes in the sun daily provides a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Taking a multivitamin daily is yet another, more traditional way of obtaining an adequate amount of vitamin D.

Some of the benefits that vitamin D offers include: maintaining normal blood levels of calcium, aids in absorbing calcium, aids in maintaining strong bones, aids in the formation of strong bones. Recent studies also show that vitamin D may provide protection from osteoporosis, hypertension, cancer and several autoimmune diseases. People who are at a higher risk of suffering from a Vitamin D deficiency include elderly people, dark skinned people, and obese people. However, even if you do not fit into one of those categories, you should still attempt to maintain an adequate vitamin D intake. For most people under the age of fifty, the adequate amount of vitamin D intake is 5 mcg (200 IU) daily. For individuals over the age of fifty, the adequate intake goes up to 10 mcg daily (400 IU) daily. If you are unsure what the proper vitamin D intake is for you, don't hesitate to speak with your doctor. This is a very simple step which could aid in the maintenance and health of your bones.

Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition.
Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies, diet pills, and hoodia gordonii

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Brits Pay the Price For Home Blunders


Accidents do happen - and apparently they happen a lot. New research has revealed that there are five million accidents in British homes each year, collectively costing homeowners 1.35billion.

The study from a home insurance provider emphasises the need for people to take out accidental damage cover in their home insurance policies - however, nearly a third of us go without it.

There are many reasons why these accidents occur so frequently. Young children are said to be responsible for around 136million of damage every year, pets are to blame for 87million and our own drunken behaviour causes 95million worth of damage. DIY is also a big problem - mishaps from Handy Andy impersonators cause a total bill of 149million.

All of these unfortunate home blunders leave homeowners to cope with severe financial losses because they are not properly insured. With this in mind, the home insurance company is urging people to think carefully about the level of cover they apply for as well as the price.

Online comparison tools are an easy way of finding cheap home insurance. However, it's important you compare policies like for like and make sure you closely examine the terms and conditions to ensure there are no exclusions. For example, will your home insurance provider cover you if an accident occurred as the result of your own drunken behaviour? Many won't.

If you're unsure about the level of cover you have - ask. Policy features to look out for include new for old replacements on items, alternative accommodation in case you are forced to temporarily relocate and, of course, accidental damage itself.

You can compare home insurance policies online at a comparison website. To drive down premiums add security measures to your home but always be honest with your home insurance provider so you don't invalidate a claim.

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Is there are way to get superior home insurance coverage for a lot less? There are steps that will help you make massive savings without putting compromising quality. Would you like to know them? If so, the following suggestions will help you achieve just that...

1. Get a group home insurance policy if you can because you'll pay less with it. You should be aware if your employer offers such. You can check with associations you are part of because they might have obtained group discounts.

I will, however, recommend that you still get and compare quotes from other insurance companies that your association may have no group discounts with. For several reasons you could be better off NOT buying from a particular association's insurer. So it actually does pay to do extensive comparison shopping if you want the best premiums.

2. Smoking adds to the risk of a fire in your home. With over 23,000 residential fires being as a result of smoking you will agree that it is really a serious factor. You will spend less in home insurance if nobody in your household smokes. If you quit smoking successfully for over 12 months, tell your agent and demand for a well-earned discount. Unless your insurance provider is one of the few that don't consider smoking as a factor in arriving at your rate, leave if your rate is not lowered after this.

3. You can enjoy more affordable premiums if you are retired. But bear in mind, though, that not all insurers give this discount.

The rationale for this discount is the fact that having someone almost always at home makes a home a better risk. In addition, Fires can be easily spotted and put off if somebody is always around.

4. Shatter-proof windows will bring good savings. If you live in locations with high winds and hail storms have your windows replaced with these and you'll be eligible for considerable discounts. And when you do, do NOT forget to tell your agent. You can as well discuss with your agent first before undertaking the upgrade as he or she is in a better position to show you how to save the most.

5. You will spend less if you take measures to reinforce your roof. This is particularly true if you live in the East where high winds are a serious threat. If you want to know how to strengthen your roof and get discounts for doing so, discuss with your agent.

6. You can get lower quotes on home insurance today by visiting at least five quotes sites. Each site will take you about 5 minutes or less to obtain quotes. (Some people fill in details that are not really correct about themselves. That is NOT a smart move as the quotes you'll get this way will NOT do you any good). You'll have to choose what represents the best home insurance quote for you from the list of quotes you've obtained. It's as simple as that. However, you could realize savings hundreds of dollars.

Here are recommended pages for home insurance quotes...

InsureMe Home Insurance Quotes

Home Insurance Quotes

Chimezirim Odimba writes on insurance.

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Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


Aloe vera is a plant that provides benefits that have been heralded through the ages by those who seek to improve the appearance of their skin. Its natural beautification benefits are one reason it is a popular edition to a number of beauty creams, finishers, and makeup products. The health benefits of aloe vera are also an important reason for the plants popular use.

Cuts, burns, and eczema are just some of the conditions that can be treated through the liberal use of aloe vera. The contents of the planet have the natural ability to ease pain and reduce inflammation through topical application to the skin. The healing of serious burns is a major benefit provided by the application of aloe vera and it is standard practice for aloe vera cream to be applied soon after a major burn injury.

Gel lining the inner part of the aloe vera leaf is the source of the plants medicinal properties. Because the gel can be condensed into liquid form, it is easily added to beauty products and other forms of topical creams. This is the reason why aloe vera is such a popular addition to many cream and skin products.

Aloe vera can also be found in other products, such as tissues and shampoos. While its benefits come from primary application to the skin, even the subtle interaction between a Kleenex and the skin of the human nose is made less abrasive through the use of aloe vera. Shampoos benefit from aloe vera through their introduction to the scalp, which is essentially a more condensed version of human skin.

In some countries, portions of the aloe vera plant are used in food. Japanese yogurt is one popular dish that makes use of the parts of the plant not used in beautification treatments. In addition, Pakistan and India proliferate the plant as a popular digestive aid. Because the gel is often removed from the plant before it is processed for food products, it is debatable as to whether or not these foods retain any more than a passive amount of benefit for the physical appearance of the consumer.

Seasilver Liquid Vitamins and Minerals with Aloe Vera is an all natural whole food nutritional health supplement with over 80 nutrients and all essential amino acids. Seasilver is now distributed under the new name and label of SeaAloe. You can order SeaAloe/Seasilver at

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Blogger BlogNet97797: Sep 2, 2008

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