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The health and wellness revolution is helping the average consumer to get healthier!
With my involvement in many health conscious on-line communities I am happy to finally see thousands of people enrolled in memberships in top sites! Although many of my community buddies are educated in the health industry the newest blog posts are from the average consumers eager to
transform their health and looking for the right information to help them do it!

Web presences like Dr. Mercola and News Target have had the joy of seeing tremendous growth over the last year. I am amazed at how much of an impact sites like this have had. These two sites alone have had major impact on the lives and well-being of so many people. They not only educate on the dangers we face today in health but they have science to back it up! I constantly read blog posts from people that have just recently become aware of the dangers of drugs and chemicals. These people are changing their whole lives for the better because sites like this have opened their eyes!

Mike Adams of News Target has branded himself well as the Health Ranger he has several great books on health subjects and he has exposed many shocking truths about our foods and water. His site is an encyclopedia of health information. His other site appropriately called Truth Publishing is his online bookstore. His motto is Information that Empowers. You can spend days surfing his site! He has dedicated his life to his passion! It is incredibly thorough and I promise you will walk away from
that computer empowered, shocked and grateful!

Dr. Mercola takes a great deal of time looking for the best of the best in products. He sells very few items on his site but his finds are top notch for health and healing! He has the lovely Lucy on youtube sharing great recipes with us as well as several of his own health updates. His motto is Take Control of Your Health and he has hundreds of thousands of pages and videos on how to do just that! I have tried several of his products and liked them all. He has even created a superb whey protein drink as well as a nutritional masterpiece in his CocoaCassava bars.
If you haven't already found these terrific sites I recommend you check them out right now! As a health activist, it is my duty to tell you so please spread the word! Remember education=empowerment!!

Dorothy Minichiello is a passionate health activist stemming from years of struggling with Epstein barr virus and the quest for obtaining her own good health. She enjoys sharing the most life enhancing products and information available on the market today to help every person on their own personal health and spiritual journey. You can find more great information by visiting Dorothy's website:


Although there are a large number of pet owners in the States, most do not see a reason to have pet insurance; though these same people would argue that they are part of the family. Most Americans are quick to arrange their own health insurance; so it makes sense that we should consider insurance to protect our pets.

This is an often overlooked area and thought to be superfluous by some; that is until those pet owners face expensive vet bills when they are sick. No area is immune for price increases and vets fees are no exception; this has meant that providers of pet insurance products have also been forced to increase premiums.

The rising cost of protection is one point to consider but are there any others?

Accidents and serious illnesses occur from time to time; the more you own, the greater the chance is, and if this does occur a couple of times a year, you will soon see your savings reduce.

When a situation like this happens many people find themselves in an awkward position; the last thing you should have to deal with is the stress over the expense of saving your animal.

I had doubts about treating our dog some time ago when he was involved in an accident; I have to admit to asking myself at the time if we could justify the expense. Successful treatment in these instances is never guaranteed; operations on animals can go wrong sometimes.

The average person does not always consider the costs involved with owning a pet; no-one wants this to cause them financial problems. You may have other pressing financial commitments to attend too so raising further capital can sometimes be a problem.

If you are experiencing a cash flow situation, you probably won't spend as much on your pet's treatment as you would like; arranging a pet insurance policy saves this type of predicament from happening in the future. Vet bills could escalate but pet healthcare insurance policies are still the best option; the average monthly premium will be less than forty dollars.

You can choose from a range of pet healthcare services; this can even extend to offering multi-pet discounts. All pet owners should think carefully about what healthcare provision they have made for their pet; with a bit of luck this information will have convinced you of the importance of having your pet protected.

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Car Insurance - Are You Covered Abroad?


It is that time of year again where people will be thinking about taking a break from the trials and tribulations of modern day life and going on a short break. Many tourists will choose to avoid the hefty costs and packed airports and opt to drive as they see this as the perfect way to save money and enjoy their holiday.

Holidaymakers opting to drive abroad need to ensure they are covered for all eventualities as they may find that a comprehensive policy is reduced to a third party when you cross the channel. Not many people forget travel insurance but there are many tourists who do not check their policies and what they are covered for.

Customers are strongly advised to check their car insurance policies to ensure they have sufficient cover so if they have an accident they will not need to fork out a lot of money and potentially put a dampener on their holiday. Drivers will have a different experience when they drive abroad as there are various aspects that make driving abroad different to the UK.

Firstly (and most importantly) they drive on the other side of the road and some drivers abroad can be more forceful when on the road. These are 2 of the reasons why British drivers need to take extra precautions when driving abroad and inform your insurer of your travels and see what needs to be done to ensure you are fully protected.

Laws have constantly caught foreign drivers out as there are very specific laws for some countries. Spain, for example, requires drivers to have a spare tyre, full set of spare bulbs, a spare fan belt and the tools to change them. You need all these for insurance purposes and it is a great idea to look up any laws that may result in you having to pay out on your policy.

To find cheap car insurance, customers can shop online where they can compare the leading insurers and all the best deals. Remember, if you are planning to travel abroad and want to take your car with you make sure you have sufficient cover as the last thing you want is to spend your holiday sorting out problems with your insurance.

Traveling abroad with your car has a big effect on your car insurance as policies are not the same as they were in the UK, you must check with your insurance company to see what you are covered for. If you want to switch insurers, find the best deals on cheap car insurance online.

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If you want to get a truly good deal on protecting your home then compare home insurance rates with an online quote. Home insurance as a general rule is not overly expensive but it also doesn't mean you need to pay more then need be. And the peace of mind you get knowing your most valuable investment is properly protected is well worth the effort.

The great thing about going online to get insurance is being able to get multiple quotes in a short amount of time with minimal effort. All the big insurance companies have an online presence that includes websites that let homeowners fill in the necessary information online and return a policy quote in a matter of minutes.

Most insurance companies require the same information to accurately quote your home owners insurance needs. If you gather this information before hand you'll be able to quickly fill out the required information. If you have a current insurance policy pull it out of the file and look it over. A good portion of the information you need will be on it. The main questions you will need to answer include:

1. The square footage of your home, the year it was built, and in some cases the type of construction.

2. The amount of coverage needed, which is based on the amount of money it would take to rebuild your house from the ground up. Many people mistakenly insure their home for its perceived resale value, which in most cases is too much insurance.

3. Do a home inventory to determine the amount of personal property coverage you will need.

4. Decide how much deductible you are willing to pay. Most insurance companies require at least a $500 deductible but you can opt for a higher amount which will lead to a lower premium.

5. They will also want to know the location or distance from your home to the nearest fire station. They may also ask for the distance to the nearest fire hydrant.

You can plug this information into any insurance website and get an accurate quote in just a few minutes. When you want to compare home insurance rates it doesn't get any easier then this.

To get started obtaining a free home insurance quote online visit the web site Home Insurance Quotes by Clicking Here.

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There are a lot of ways to more affordable but adequate coverage. But while many of them might save you some money, they could leave you with insufficient coverage. This is, nevertheless, not the case with the options I'll give you in this write-up as you'll save while you maintain sufficient coverage. Here they are...

1. A home without fire escapes is NOT quite as safe as a home should be. Does yours have them? If you do then tell your agent and see what discounts this will get you. Even with simple rope ladders for the upper rooms, you still could obtain some discounts. Make sure you have a fire escape except you do not want to benefit from this savings opportunity. In order to guarantee savings, find out from your agent what your home insurance provider counts as a standard fire escape.

2. Motion-sensitive lighting reduces your home's risk of burglary and, as a result, makes it easier for you to get cheaper home insurance premiums. Your house becomes a no-go area for thieves as they'll be spotted easily. The risk of burglary is a strong factor in checking a home's risk to an insurance company and, consequently, your rate.

3. A home with a swimming pool is something everyone loves. But do you know that it increases your rates considerably especially if you don't take adequate safety measures?

Even though you will get more expensive rates if you have a swimming pool, you can reduce what you'll pay by having a fence around it or implement other safety precautions. If you do not, your home insurance rates will be substantially higher.

4. You will spend less if you take reasonable steps to reinforce your roof. This is very true if you reside in the East where high winds are a major threat. Your agent should be able to outline things you can do if you a discount this way. Fitting heavier shingles is a possible way to do it.

5. Make out some time to visit a minimum of 5 insurance quotes sites that return quotes on home insurance policies. This will take you around 25 minutes. While you visit each quotes site, make sure you input the same information. Doing otherwise will give you misleading quotes. When you've obtained your home insurance quotes, compare them to see which serves your interest best in price/value.

Here are recommended pages for home insurance quotes...

InsureMe Home Insurance Quotes

Home Insurance Quotes

Chimezirim Odimba writes on insurance.

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Blogger BlogNet97797: Sep 3, 2008

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