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Make Money Fast Without Spending Money


This method is know as bum marketing which essentially means not spending any money on your marketing efforts. Although this does not require an investment of money it does require an investment of time. Bum marketing as its known requires a certain degree of patience as the fruits of your labor may not be realized immediately. However you can speed up this process by implementing the right techniques.

Beyond the requirement of patience you need focus, determination and diligence. Let's begin with diligence. The first phase of bum marketing requires research. If you do a half assed job here your results will be poor. The key aspect of bum marketing is to find a niche that has low competition and a high volume of searches. Once you have identified this niche you need to find keywords that fit the above criteria.

When you have those keywords compiled in a list you are then going to write some articles with those keywords in your title and spread throughout the body of your article. Then in the bio box you will have a link back to your web page that will contain that keyword in the anchor text. Your web page will also have that keyword in the title and throughout the body. This indicates a high level of relevance for that keyword to the search engines..

With a number of links pointing back to your web page with this keyword you will find that the web page containing that keyword will rise in the search engines, eventually getting to the top ten giving you lots of free traffic. However not only that. The actual article itself can also show up on the first page of the search results for that keyword sometimes within a month of writing depending on the keyword competition.

So this is why the initial research phase requires due diligence. You need to take the time to research it properly. Determination is required so that you stick with it and even when it feels like you are getting nowhere you push on and constantly improve and integrate new ideas.

Then finally focus on the job on hand. Do not spread yourself thin doing multiple marketing methods. Take it one step at a time and get it right. This process does not only involve articles you can also place classified ads. You just need to make sure that you have more than 300 words on your ad copy when using this technique.

If you are are serious about making a living online and want to work with others to succeed then select one of the links below. Learn all you need to know about bum marketing methods.

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Exercise, Health & Fitness and You


Through dedicated exercise, health and fitness can be achieved by both men and women. Today there are more gyms and health and fitness centers than ever before. Even community based fitness classes have more participants.

People are becoming very conscious about getting in shape and they are willing to go the extra mile to do it. There are exercise books and CDs that can show you how to learn different techniques that are used in programs such as aerobics, yoga or Pilates that you can practice in the privacy of your home.

However, most of these exercises are much more productive when they are performed in a group setting. When you attend exercise classes you get feedback, assistance, and you have the fun and excitement that often occurs in group activities.

Yoga classes have been around for a long time, and the actual history of yoga dates back over centuries. This program offers a more refined and gentle type of physical exercise and fitness regime that people of all ages can use. Most of the health clubs offer several different yoga styles in their classes.

The aerobics craze is still going strong and provides great heart healthy benefits to participants. This program is known for the burn, and the people who want to attend these classes need to be prepared to engage in some high speed, heart-pounding physical activity.

There are also classes that promote working and training with weights. These classes are for both men and women, and can be some of the healthiest of all classes available for you. When you work with weights, you are challenging yourself both mentally and physically. Weight training will provide you with better balance, coordination, and stronger bones.

Women will gain toned and defined bodies by working with weights without the bulk and heavy muscle that will be gained by the men.

Lillian M. Varrassi is an article content writer with over 2000 articles written on a myriad of genres. Exercise, health and fitness can work wonders for you. Learn more at

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Blogger BlogNet97797: Nov 18, 2008

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