Blogger BlogNet97797

Money Saving Tips - 5 Easy Tips For Students to Get Wealthier


If you are a student, then there will definitely be times when you feel the need for some money saving tips. It could be because you need to get something nice for yourself but you have used up all your allowance for that week or month. If you are an older student, you might try to balance your studies, extracurricular activities with a part-time job to earn more money but you might find that it is still not enough. This is when you need someone to give you some money saving tips so that you can accumulate some wealth.

It is vital that you do not view learning about money saving tips as something unimportant until the day when you need cash urgently. When that happens, it will be too late to carry out any advice of money saving tips that you might have learnt, so do start now. Below are 5 simple to carry out money saving tips that you can apply in your daily life. You might just find yourself to be a wealthy student soon.

1. Plan beforehand

This step should be applied in everything that you do, especially if you are a college student. This is one of the money saving tips that can prevent you from overspending even before you move into your dorm.

Do a detail check on whether you qualify for any scholarships or special student grants before you put your signature to that student loan form.

Next, map out your cash flow chart. Consider where the source of your 'income' is. Apart from getting money from your parents, student loans, can you get yourself a part-time job to substantiate your monthly 'income'?

Since planning is the first step of your money saving tips, you should now set aside your budget for your fix monthly expenditure. Allocate your money for your food, books, etc and make sure you stick to your plan! Self-discipline is very important here. You might learn all the money saving tips in the world but if you do not stick to them, you will not succeed.

It is also very important that you set aside a sum of money for emergency purposes. As such, it is vital that you stick to the money saving tips that you have learnt to use. You want to have that sum in the bank when you need it most.

2. Save on expensive food

Having set aside a sum of money for your food means you have to find a cheaper way to get the food. This could be a point that you did not realize when you were still staying with your parents. However, now you should stop eating at fast food outlets as you will definitely find that you have exceeded your budget very soon. Try bringing your own lunch to school instead. It is more nutritious and less expensive. This is another of the numerous money saving tips that you can apply to accumulate more wealth.

3. Take full advantage of student discounts

Check out the outlets that offer special student discounts when you display your student ID. One of the money saving tips tells you to find ways to spend less money for the same quality products, i.e. looking for discounts!

Alternatively, you might want to patronize a certain establishment regularly and before long, you are bound to get bonus cards for being a loyal customer. Ask them for one if they did not offer after a few weeks of constant patronize.

4. Pay with cash only

Any money saving tips guide will tell you to stop using credit cards, debit cards and checks. This is an essential point because you do not wan to overspend. So, always pay with cash only, unless in emergencies. This will also help you to track your cash flow more easily.

5. Stay occupied

Avoid idling as this will lead you to spend money on snacks, game rentals or movie tickets. Keep yourself occupied so that you will not give in to your own temptations of spending on stuff not on your budget list. Stick to the budgeting that you have learnt in saving money tips. One way is to join clubs at school. Find anything that might interest you and take part in their activities. In this way, you will not get bored.

Follow through with the steps listed in the above money saving tips and you will be pleasantly surprised at the amount of money accumulated at the end of a year. Since you do not really need the luxury items, stick to your set budget plan and you will have money in the bank for an emergency. So who says students are not capable of accumulating wealth by applying some money saving tips?

Stella Mak is a qualified school teacher with over 18 years of teaching experience and a mother of a pair of twins. Did you find the above information useful? You can learn a lot more at Hurry! Grab the two ebooks that she is giving away FREE now before they are all gone!

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Personal Appearance And Attitude


Personal appearance is usually defined by the way we groom and dress ourselves and is generally instrumental in other people forming opinions about us. It's obvious therefore that care and attention should be given to how we look in order to make the best impression. In a working environment, there is often a dress code which is, in some cases, obligatory. This situation means the employee has little or no problem in following the code. However, to the ambitious, keen, dedicated person this dress code can present an ideal opportunity to become noticed. Smart, well fitting, well pressed clothing will make a huge difference to how one is judged. Certain industries and professions are quite inflexible concerning dress and insist on company uniforms being worn. Even then it's possible to stand out from the crowd by giving attention to good grooming which will always result in a smart appearance.

If there are no restrictions on the type of clothes you wear at work it is generally easier to make a good impression with your choice of clothing. Care in deciding on the clothes you wear at work make a statement about you, so make the most of the opportunity. Dress sense is a very useful attribute to have, but not everyone possesses it. If you fall into that category follow the dress code used by your colleagues, but always endeavour to be that little bit smarter. This extra attention to detail helps to create a business like appearance.

A person's attitude is extremely important as the wrong one can have a negative affect and spoil their chances of promotion. The wrong attitude can result in someone appearing to be offensive and truculent, giving a completely false impression. Attitude has a lot to do with confidence and can provide the wrong signals to other people. It's not uncommon for a person's attitude to affect their whole performance adversely in a work environment even though they may be good at their job. Recent research has analysed the reasons why certain managers are chosen for redundancy rather than their contemporaries. If you are aware of the main reasons thrown up by this research, obviously you will avoid making the same mistakes. For the benefit of the reader and as a matter of interest we will include them in this section as they refer to attitudes which must be avoided at all costs. It might not stop redundancy, but it will certainly help in preventing you from being a prime candidate.

So here are some of the reasons that are looked on as being unhelpful. (a) Failure to build a team (b) Arrogance (c) Unethical (d) Not trustworthy (e) Poor Administration (f) No strategic thinking (g) Over Managing (h) Tunnel Vision (i) Will not network (j) Inflexibility (k) Defensiveness

Once again we see the need for being practical, helpful, sympathetic and truthful plus being able to spot a problem and have the ability to deal with it. Personal attitude to the job counts for a great deal in how your performance is evaluated, so it is obviously beneficial to develop a positive, constructive and helpful attitude at work. Such an attitude will help you to cope with every singe aspect in the workplace and brings its own rewards and very often leads to promotion.

If you are fortunate enough to have a company car provided, should you look on it as a "perk" that goes with the job? In which case it probably isn't looked after very well, is seldom washed, usually messy inside, has several minor faults, broken lenses, small scratches etc. Surely it is better to look on it as an expensive privilege which comes with the job, one that is worth looking after and of which to be proud? Again this attitude gives an excellent impression if you take care of company property. The same values apply to mobile phones, lap top computers, voice recorders and any other equipment the modern manager uses. Looking after these things as if they were your own and had been paid for by you can only result in positive comments about your attitude. One other place where you can make a good impression is in your office or workplace. We have all seen offices and workplaces where chaos reigns. Desks littered with paper, paper trays overflowing, newspapers and magazines spread around, empty coffee cups lying around, all give the wrong signals. So do filing cabinets with the tops loaded with files and plants in dire need of a drink of water. Clothes hung precariously on bits of furniture also look untidy. All these points paint a picture of inefficiency.

Just imagine how much better the impression if the desks are tidy and the filing cabinets and other furniture are used for the purpose for which they were meant. It doesn't take long to tidy up, particularly if it is done regularly. Once again, if you do it often it becomes a habit. There is a saying in business that 'A tidy desk shows a tidy mind'. Very true!

Most of the above will be seen to be common sense and obvious to most readers, but we make no apology for emphasising them. It is very often a lapse of common sense and neglecting the obvious which lead to bad practices, thus reflecting on the person concerned, so please, very carefully, consider these points. To conclude, remember that a positive appearance and a positive attitude result in a positive impression of you.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Self Help

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Blogger BlogNet97797: Nov 29, 2008

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