Blogger BlogNet97797

Some Easy Ways to Make Money From Blogging


This post is really useful for the bloggers who are willing to make money from their blogs. If you don't have a blog, create a new blog today on any of blogging engine whichever suits you. Let's discuss some money making ideas that any blogger can use on his blog to earn some cash:

  1. Paid blogging - there are lots of websites available on the internet that pays you for what you are doing right now i.e. for blogging. These networks will ask you to write content on your website for advertiser's products and services they have. Some of famous advertising network are
    • Payperpost
    • ReviewMe
    • Linkworth
    • SponsoredReviews
    • Smorty
  2. Text link advertising - text link adverting is one of the best way to make high amount of money from a website. In this kind of scheme, you have to place the advertiser's link in your website sidebar, header and footer. Advertisers always look for top blogs in their niche and pay to those bloggers to place their ads on their blogs. Some of text link advertising companies are:
    • Textlinkads
    • TNX
    • Direct Link ads
    • Linkadage
    • Textlinkbrokers
  3. Banner ads - there are many advertisers available today in the market that will pay you for showing their banners on your website/blogs. is one such site which pays you for placing their advertiser's banner on your blog.
  4. PPC program - there are many pay per click (ppc) programs available in the market today which shows ads according to your content. To start making money with any of these programs, you will need to create an account with them and submit your blog/website there. Some of famous ppc programs are
    • Google adsense
    • Yahoo Publisher Network
    • Bidvertiser
    • Adbrite
    • Chitika
  5. Product selling - and in case you have a blog related to products or are willing to sell products, then you can use Amazon will pay you for every sale that will be referred to it via your website.
  6. Private ads - you can get lots of private ads if you are able to bring in lots of organic traffic on your website. When you have that, many people will be willing to pay you for placing their ads on your website.

I hope these tips will help you in earning lots of money from your blog. I have so far achieved great success with some of the resources mentioned in today article.

Learn how to make money online with text link ads.

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If you haven't heard of Blogging by now, then either you have been asleep for an unusually long period of time like Rip Van Wrinkle, hardly viewed or paid attention to the news, or never used the internet. Bloggers are the newest and most generally accepted 'undisputed' voice on the internet.

Definition of Blogging

Here is a definition of blogging in easy as pie terminology. Blogging is simply the uploading of text onto the same place on the internet with some unwavering regularity; such as, daily, weekly, or monthly, for the purpose of sharing information with others. It's like having an online journal that you write in on a regular basis.

After reading the definition of blogging, you may be asking, "Who actually does blogging?" Or, more importantly, can I do blogging?" Well, these are very good questions. Let me address this issue by talking about blogger types.

Blogger Types

Although the definition of blogging is pretty straight forward blogger types vary. First, there are the paid experienced, masterful bloggers. They are professional writers. They write for a living. Second, there are the passionate bloggers. They write because it's their heartfelt passion. They write simply because they love writing. Finally, there are the politically inclined individuals who blog because they need a platform for sharing their ideas.

Now you may be saying, "I'm not a professional writer. I've never loved writing or been much of a writer." I want you to know that it's perfectly fine that you feel this way. In fact, I felt the same way until I learned the definition of blogging.

You see, when you know the definition of blogging then it helps to alleviate unnecessary fears. Why? Well, in addition to learning what blogging is, you come to realize that blogging isn't the sole domain of professionals.

You start appreciating the fact that ordinary people, just like you and me, are overcoming their fears and taking time to share their thoughts, experiences, and intentions on a regular basis. By blogging they are sharing information that someone else, somewhere around the world may find helpful.

So, what information do you have on your mind or heart that can be shared with others?

Go ahead, blog it!

Danny C. Murphy is an Internet Marketing Coach. Tired Of Buying And Cold Calling Leads? Learn How to Generate Free Leads and Get Prospects to Pick Up Their Phones to Call You. Click Here:

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Blogger BlogNet97797: Dec 2, 2008

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