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Green Travel And Tourism


All About Green Travel

What exactly is meant by a phrase like Green Travel? Green Travel can mean anything from environmentally responsible motor cars to eco-friendly transportation fuels, to responsible eco-tourism options, sustainable travel or stays in hotels and facilities that are environmentally conscious.

Read on to find some great options on the Internet where you, the environmentally-responsible traveler, can enhance your knowledge and continue to seek the smartest, most planet-conscious choices available when you travel.

Why Green Travel Matters

Tourism, in contemporary times, is a tremendously growth-oriented industry, and is among the world's largest, with spending figures estimated at over five hundred billion per year in recent years. Because of the overwhelming size of the industry globally, millions of people are employed within its ranks, and are therefore of great concern when it comes to responsible, eco-conscious decisions.

Such lofty statistics all begin with local, individual choices - where people spend their money when they travel, during their travel and the message that their actions send out to global populations. The impact of global travel, when geared toward the positive, can be terrific - including when tourism's dollars go to the enhancement of local populations, or when travelers return home with a fresh take on other cultures, communities and environments, for instance.

How Tourism and Travel Become "Sustainable Tourism and Travel"

WTTC Associations such as the World Travel and Tourism Council in London, England, offer world travelers a wealth of information on sustainable and green tourism. The mission statement of the organization speaks to their goals: "Raising awareness of the importance of Travel & Tourism, promoting synergies between the public and private sector, generating profit as well as protecting natural, social and cultural environment [these] are the fundamental components of [their] mission, as outlined in the Blueprint for New Tourism."

Whenever you travel, do what you can to extend the extra effort to ask questions about the businesses that service your trip: from hotels to tours to restaurants and more. Find out what you can about the impact of their businesses on the environment, in terms of both the physical and cultural aspects. No set of universal standards or guidelines currently exists to ensure that those in the travel and tourism industry world-wide operate according to environmentally conscious principles.

So What Is Ecotourism and Can It Help?

With a greater emphasis placed on the environment in general, travel and tourism has also felt the weight of the green revolution. The travel and tourism industry has sprung up in places where the natural environment remains in tact and available for one to experience first-hand. At its best, ecotourism is essentially nature travel - tourism of and cultivation of appreciation for the unadulterated vistas and landscapes of the planet.

Resources Available for Green Travel


At Responsible Travel, find "A hand picked directory of 1000s of stunning eco holidays run by 265 specialist tour operators and 100's of accommodations. Use the site to contact the specialists directly to request more information. Book direct with the specialists to get the best price."

The International Ecotourism Society (

The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) offers that through "Uniting communities, conservation and sustainable travel," they directly "promote responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people."


Debuting in 1994, PlanetA is a pioneering website that provides tips for travelers and locals who share a vision of eco-friendly, people-friendly and place-friendly travel. They take a dynamic wiki view of the Web and appreciate their viewers' helpful editorial suggestions and offer a yearly World Travel Directory.

Sustainable Travel International (

The organization Sustainable Travel International has the following for its mission statement: "Promoting responsible travel and ecotourism, supporting sustainable development, and helping travelers and travel providers protect the cultures and environments they visit."

Google Green Travel Search (

At Summer of Green, Google's now legendary map service is powered to help Green travelers find what they need to in the way of environmentally conscious global travel, through the work of Earth Day Network. Find tips on traveling green this summer with keyword searches like "environmentally friendly hotel" rather than just "hotel."

Rainforest Alliance

The Rainforest Alliance says, "With more than 800 million people traveling each year, tourism is a growing source of revenue for people living in areas that are especially rich in plants and animals - and threatened with destruction. While tourism can lead to problems such as waste, habitat destruction and the displacement of local people and wildlife, it also has the potential to provide incentives for conservation." Find out more through the tourism arm of their website.

Matty Byloos writes and manages the Green Blog known as: Easy Ways to Go Green, as well as the Organic Food Blog: Organic Eating Daily

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How to Cure Acne Without Spending a Penny?


Acne is a nightmare situation for those who suffer from daily breakouts. Why some of your class fellows have a glow in the skin which you don't have? Do you have the same question too? If yes then the answer is awaiting you here. Simply consider this. At birth our body is 90% water, 10% matter. At middle age the body is only 70% water, and at death is just 50% water. There are so many fuction sof the water in the body thata whole book on ot can be written The functions of water in the body are too numerous to list here, but it is incredibly important to stay properly hydrated to maintain optimum health. As an acne sufferer it is very likely that you are chronically dehydrated, so drinking water is essential.

Now making it much easier I'll work out for you that how much water you need to stay fresh.

You need your bodyweight (in lbs) in ounces of water per day minimum.

So if you weigh 150 lbs you would drink a minimum of 75 ounces of water a day. But try to spread this water intake throughout the whole day, rather than downing lots of water at only a couple of times during the day. The only times you shouldn't be drinking much water is just before and after a meal (leave 30 minutes either side).

Now here is something which everybody does not know. This is what type of water do you drink. It is suggested that you should avoid unfiltered tap water not only for the safety of your stomach but for a fresher skin too. Filtered tap water is by the best quality, and works out considerably cheaper than buying bottled water!

To alkaline the water add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (also called bicarbonate of soda) to every liter of water you drink. This should be sufficient to alkalize the water you drink, and is the key to using the miracle of water to clear your skin.

Bicarbonate of soda is dirt cheap and excellent for alkalizing your water. However, even better than bicarbonate of soda is lemon juice or lime juice. These have lots of vitamin c in them and help detoxify the body. Add 1 tablespoon of either of these to every liter of water. Lemon or lime juice is definitely healthier and more effective in alkalizing your water than bicarbonate of soda.

Summing up drink lots of alkalized water for a fully hydrated and alkaline body which efficiently eliminates toxins from the body that can lead to acne. If you find even this difficult, make sure you drink a large glass of water when you first wake up to hydrate yourself after a nights sleep.

I know that what I am going to tell you can be unbelievable, but thats the truth and 100% truth. Any type of acne can be cured. Follow these links- Acne Natural Remedies, Acne Treatment and see the guaranteed results yourself.

Acne Treatment
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How to Cure Acne Without Spending a Penny?


Acne is a nightmare situation for those who suffer from daily breakouts. Why some of your class fellows have a glow in the skin which you don't have? Do you have the same question too? If yes then the answer is awaiting you here. Simply consider this. At birth our body is 90% water, 10% matter. At middle age the body is only 70% water, and at death is just 50% water. There are so many fuction sof the water in the body thata whole book on ot can be written The functions of water in the body are too numerous to list here, but it is incredibly important to stay properly hydrated to maintain optimum health. As an acne sufferer it is very likely that you are chronically dehydrated, so drinking water is essential.

Now making it much easier I'll work out for you that how much water you need to stay fresh.

You need your bodyweight (in lbs) in ounces of water per day minimum.

So if you weigh 150 lbs you would drink a minimum of 75 ounces of water a day. But try to spread this water intake throughout the whole day, rather than downing lots of water at only a couple of times during the day. The only times you shouldn't be drinking much water is just before and after a meal (leave 30 minutes either side).

Now here is something which everybody does not know. This is what type of water do you drink. It is suggested that you should avoid unfiltered tap water not only for the safety of your stomach but for a fresher skin too. Filtered tap water is by the best quality, and works out considerably cheaper than buying bottled water!

To alkaline the water add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (also called bicarbonate of soda) to every liter of water you drink. This should be sufficient to alkalize the water you drink, and is the key to using the miracle of water to clear your skin.

Bicarbonate of soda is dirt cheap and excellent for alkalizing your water. However, even better than bicarbonate of soda is lemon juice or lime juice. These have lots of vitamin c in them and help detoxify the body. Add 1 tablespoon of either of these to every liter of water. Lemon or lime juice is definitely healthier and more effective in alkalizing your water than bicarbonate of soda.

Summing up drink lots of alkalized water for a fully hydrated and alkaline body which efficiently eliminates toxins from the body that can lead to acne. If you find even this difficult, make sure you drink a large glass of water when you first wake up to hydrate yourself after a nights sleep.

I know that what I am going to tell you can be unbelievable, but thats the truth and 100% truth. Any type of acne can be cured. Follow these links- Acne Natural Remedies, Acne Treatment and see the guaranteed results yourself.

Acne Treatment

What You Need To Know About Health Insurance


Having a reliable health insurance coverage contributes a great deal towards a person's sense of security.

As an individual, you are aware that you should take care of your health so you employ ways and make an effort to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In spite if this, there are unexpected circumstances regarding your health that no matter how hard you try to prevent, are rather unavoidable.

Thus, you need to make sure that you have a reliable insurance plan and ample coverage should you need to use them in the future, or should an emergency ensue.

Basically, health insurance coverage is divided into two categories: private and government-sponsored.

This is further broken down into several types:

- Private health insurance

This is a non-government health insurance coverage that is paid for by an individual.

- Employment-based plans

This health insurance plan is offered by the company that you work for. You may also take advantage of being a dependent for a relative's health insurance coverage that includes one's immediate family.

- Directly-purchased insurance plans

If you think that the coverage offered by the government or your employer is not enough, you may buy a separate plan that you can purchase privately.

- Government-sponsored health insurance packages

These are plans funded by the federal government. There are several levels, ranging from local, state to federal coverage.

This health insurance plan is required by law and has several types:

1. Medicare

This is a health insurance program which is offered on a national level. The people who can get Medicare benefits are those who are above 65. They may also be given to people with certain disabilities.

2. State Children's Health Insurance Program

This is a program administered by the state. It may have a different name for each state, but the main goal of this program is to offer health care to children whose parents cannot provide for them.

3. Medicaid

This is a health insurance package which is also offered by the state. This medical aid, as the name implies, may be known differently in other states. The basic principle, however, is to offer health insurance benefits for the needy.

4. Military and veteran health care

There are several health care benefits and insurance plans which are provided for retired or active members of the military. These plans extend to their immediate families and their survivors.

Also, the Department of Veteran Affairs offer health insurance coverage to veterans and their dependents.

5. Indian Health Service

Health insurance plans are also offered to eligible American Indians.

Here are some tips on how you can get the best deal out of the very expensive health insurance packages that are available nowadays:

- If you are self-employed, look for a company that offers an extensive health insurance coverage, and at the same time would not make a big dent in your pocket. Remember that spending a day or two in the hospital can be very costly, so make sure that you have ample coverage.

- Learn everything about the health insurance plan that you have. If you bought it privately, if it is part of your employee benefits or it is a coverage sponsored by the federal or state government, it is better to be aware of your rights to a suitable health insurance coverage.

Health care is a very important aspect in every person's life and you should see to it that you are secure and never lacking in this department.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides health insurance resources on

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Blogger BlogNet97797: Aug 18, 2008

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