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Video Game Tester - Video Game Testing Doesn't Always Have Profits


Sometimes when you become a video game tester you won't make any money. Do you want to know why? Because you don't have a big reputation yet. Once you can create a good reputation in the industry, you'll get hired more and more.

What is described as your reputation? Think of it as a resume, just for video game testing. Your reputation grows as you gain more and more experience in the video game testing career. When you try to go out and find a job, most likely you have to apply to one of the lowest paying jobs. Why? Because you don't have much experience. Once you can create that experience than they'll start hiring you.

So when you get into the video game testing career, don't expect to see profits right away. You must first establish your reputation in the industry and gain more and more experience.

If you get excepted into a video game testing position, and it doesn't pay you revenue, take it! When you first start out, your in it for the education, not the money. Once you get the education required in the field, then you can start applying for money. Until then your just an intern, trying to learn as much about the business as possible.

It's going to be a hard and long journey, and you might not see profits from it for weeks or Even months. But the journey is going to make you stronger and more efficient, and that is what you need in order to see those hefty checks.

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The Main Governing Bodies in Online Gaming


A number of self proclaimed governing bodies have been established within the online gaming industry within recent years, causing some confusion amongst online gaming customers. We profile three of the leading governing bodies in order to clarify the options available to the customer should the worst ever happen to them.


A London based non-profit making organisation that provides a framework for best operational practice requirements. Online gaming companies are invited to achieve accreditation, earning the eCogra seal of approval should they be successful. eCogra focus on player protection and ensuring games are true and fair.


The International Betting and Adjudication Service (IBAS) offer a dispute resolution service for customers and gaming companies. IBAS will adjudicate on disputes bought to them, and will assist where deadlocks exist between gaming companies and their customers. Based in London.


The European Betting Association (EGB) is a not-for-profit organisation that has been established by some of the world's leading online gaming operators, including industry giants such as PartyGaming and Bwin. Based in Brussels.

Customers that have disputes with online gaming companies therefore have a number of external third party organisations they can approach should a dispute ever arise. However, in all cases, the governing bodies will insist that the customer follows the internal complaints procedure of the gaming companies first. Only when an unsatisfactory conclusion has been reached should the customer, or in some cases, the gaming company, approach one of the governing bodies.

Issues that lead to dispute can vary greatly, but statistics released by the governing bodies indicate that the use of bonus codes by online companies (such as PKR codes)are typically not an issue of dispute, particularly when detailed Terms and Conditions are made clearly available to the customer. Of greater concern appears to be the delay some online operators impose on customer withdrawals. In some cases this can run into weeks, which not only appears unreasonable, but also raises questions on ethical grounds.

Despite customer numbers increasing year on year, complaints brought against gaming companies has grown at a slower than expected rate. Gaming organisations argue they have improved internal complaint procedures, yet some governing bodies state that many customers simply change to another gaming provider, rather than be tied up unnecessarily for months attempting to resolve a dispute they feel they have no chance of successfully resolving.

About the author:

D Bernard is an analyst with a keen interest in the online gaming sector and regularly comments on poker bonus codes such as the PKR codes. Information on eCogra can be found here. He can be contacted at

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Many individuals are starting to seek natural remedies when it comes to various health complications, issues, and concerns. Many believe that the dangerous components of over the counter and prescription medications can actually prove to be a detriment on the health of a person. The good news is, there are a number of natural remedies that one may partake in so that they may optimize their health. Listed throughout this guide on remedies that do not require medications, you will find a wide selection of ideas that can be implemented in order to maintain and optimize the healthy lifestyle. If you are opting for the natural side, these may prove to be ideal for you!

1. Implementing the use of natural herbs is an extremely popular form of treatment among many individuals. With a little research, you are sure to discover that there are thousands upon thousands of herbs available. You can find one that is appropriate for virtually any type of health complication. You can purchase herbs in particular categories - like bitter, aromatic, nutritive, astringent, and even mucilaginous.

2. Light therapy is another type of natural remedy that can prove to be extremely beneficial when it comes to the overall health of a person who may be suffering from a medical complication, and/or disease. Individuals who have fibromyalgia, for example, benefit from light therapy in order to increase and optimize the production of Melatonin in the body. This element is necessary when it comes to regulating the sleep cycle.

3. Aromatherapy is another type of natural remedy that many find success with. Basically, this type of remedy makes use of natural and essential oils in order to produce a certain state of mind. Once this is achieved, it is believed that one will successfully recover and be able to cope with health problems that plague them.

4. Believe it or not, simple exercise has been found to be an exception when it comes to optimizing the health of a person. Simple stretching, for example, can increase the amount of oxygen that is introduced to the components of the body. In turn, this increasing cell production and assists in creating a natural boost to the immune system. If you want to be healthy, get out and talk a walk or job, do some stretching exercises, or just take a swim!

5. Mediation has been used throughout all of history in order to experience a higher state of mind, as well as higher state of optimal health. If you are looking for a simple, low stress method of coping with health complications that may be experienced, mediation may be just the thing that you are looking for!

6. Many individuals implement the use of music as a form of natural remedy for their health issues. They are many different types of benefits that one may experience as a result of just listening to music. Circulation can be improved, stress levels decreased, and more! If you are looking for a creative way to utilize your resources and make the most of your physical well-being, you are sure to enjoy the benefits associated with therapy that is induced as a direct result of using various types of music.

As you can see, there are many different types of natural remedies available to individuals just like you! It is important to know and understand that this is a simple list, with just a few examples of remedies that you may find appealing. You can select one to use, or you can put more than one to work for you! That is the beauty of natural remedies...selection and implementations are wide open for interpretation!

Gaetane Ross is a Certified Natural Health Consultant who has spent over 4 years focusing on Nutrition and Health. She also specializes in Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Healing and Healthy Lifestyle. Gaetane's mission is to positively transform the lives of everyone she meets by providing advice on Healthy Living.

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Car Insurance FAQs


Can I insure a modified or classic car; who will offer insurance cover?

Yes, you can insure a modified car but because your car is a specialist car, not all auto insurance companies might be willing to provide coverage for it since it requires high price replacement parts and also skilled labor if the car is involved in an accident. Thus, you have to take a special car insurance that is designed especially for modified and classic cars.

How can I cut down my car insurance premium?

If you wish to cut down on your car insurance premium you must take care of a few things. Park your car overnight in the garage rather than leaving it on the drive. Fit insurance approved anti-theft devices; consider Third Party Fire and Theft for older cars. Find out discounts offered by the insurance provider when requesting quotes. Young drivers (under 25), who are often charged extremely high premiums, should have an extra driving course certificate.

What is 'excess'?

It is the amount you have to pay when you make a claim for the loss or damage to your car. It can be voluntary or compulsory. If someone else causes the accident you may be able to reclaim the excess through the legal cover, which can be taken out with your car insurance policy. Otherwise you lose the excess. Voluntary excess is the amount you agree to pay to the company. It offers premium discounts. Compulsory excess is generally imposed to young drivers. Because their risk factors are high and the companies dont want to insure them. So, in order to insure, they have to surrender with this payment.

What is legal cover?

It provides expertise and assistance required to recover uninsured losses such as medical costs, loss of earnings and excess payments where the fault was not yours. It is available as an optional with most car insurance policies.

Can an insurance company cancel my auto policy?

Yes, you auto insurance policy may stand canceled if you fail to pay the premium or if your consumer's license has been suspended or revoked during the term of an auto policy. Also, if there is a fraud or serious misrepresentation when completing the insurance application, if the you are convicted to a crime, or if changes are made to the property that increase the risk of loss then the company may cancel your insurance policy.

Joseph Kenny is the webmaster of the insurance site where you will find information, news and links to the leading providers of car insurance in the UK.

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Is Your Web Host Service Doing Their Job?


If you have a web site there is a good chance that you work with a web host service. After all, if your site is not live, you are not going to get much good out of it. The only way that you can get around using a web host service is to buy your own server, and then take care of all the details yourself. While this is not a bad idea if you have a lot of money or are cashing in big time online, for most people, using a third party web host service is the way to go. But just like any other service, you may be well aware that your web host is prone to making mistakes. And while everybody messes up from time to time, this is not a good thing when it comes to your web host service. In fact, even the slightest down time can cost you or your company a lot of money.

So how are you going to determine if your web host service is doing their job? While there is no exact way of doing this, there are some things that you can definitely look into. First things first, you should take a close look at what you signed up for. In other words, what are you paying for? Until you know this, you are going to have a difficult time getting an overview of whether or not you are receiving what you have paid for.

The most common area of concern is when your web site is not live. When it comes down to it, you are paying your web host service to make sure that your site is live at all times. After all, if it is not viewable by people who are interested, it is not going to do you much good. For this reason, you should check several times per day to make sure that your web site is live and as it should be. You do not want to spend your entire day doing this, but you should make it part of your day. This way, you will have a good idea if something is going wrong with your web host service. And if it is, you can get to the bottom of the problem right away.

Another area of concern is with the customer service team of your web host company. Although your web host service does not have to give you any support, it is something that is always nice. If you think about it, you are going to have questions about something sooner or later. A top of the line web host service will do everything they can to make sure that they do their job as far as customer support is concerned. If you are not satisfied in this area, you may want to look into making a change to a different host.

Overall, if you are going to pay for a web host service you should make sure that you are getting your money's worth. This means that you should get what you are paying for, and that your service works with you to ensure your satisfaction. Anytime that you feel cheated you should look into the issue, and maybe even make a change. Remember, there are plenty of web host services to choose from.

Bill McNulty writes about low cost web hosting at the web hosting directory,

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Your Personal Guide to Hosting Solutions UK


Want to have a vivid notion about hosting solutions UK? There are different types of web hosting. It can be either cheap or expensive. For effective web hosting you, need to keep certain facts in mind. Before hosting a website, you need to have a clear idea about the purpose of the website. Disk space is the primary factor of hosting a website. If you have enough content and want to show everything in your account then you need to obtain additional space for that. The disk space is similar to the hard disks of a personal computer.

Another important factor for web hosting is the data transfer or the bandwidth. It is related to how much time your website is being visited. If the bandwidth exceeds then the web host provider can charge you more. Therefore, it is always advisable to opt for more bandwidth.

The sub domains will direct the internet users to the forums of the websites. On the other hand, the add-on domain allows you to host many websites from a single hosting package. Therefore, if you are considering hosting multiple websites, then choosing a web host that offers you higher disk space and bandwidth. The parked domains allow you to have innumerable domain names that will refer to a single website.

Web hosting services are the technical supports provided by the companies to their clients. There are different types of web hosting services. It includes free, virtual shared, dedicated and managed web hosting services. UK Dedicated web hosting is very popular for the scalability & reliability that it provides. This is a very good option for those who maintain various websites. It is also suitable for those who do not want to see unwanted and irrelevant advertisements on their websites.

Dedicated web hosting is a better choice than any other web hosting services. It will offer better performance and will relieve you from the problems of security system or troubles of the servers. Another advantage is that, you will be able to rent out your website to any one. The users do not have to share it with any one. No other web hosting service will allow you to rent out your website in this manner.

Moreover, the users can choose operating system, hosting types and hardware to be used in their websites in case of dedicated web hosting.

If you opt for UK web hosting services, you need to have a clear idea about the hosting hours, required technical support, over all cost for carrying out web hosting plans and many more specifications.

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Comparing Pet Insurance Plans


Pet insurance has become quite a popular thing to invest in for pet owners. Pet insurance is similar to having human health insurance. In case your pet gets ill you have the insurance to help you handle the medical bills. However, if you are thinking about health insurance you need to examine all the possibilities that are offered. Be sure to compare the offerings and their prices.

There are more and more options from different insurance companies for pet insurance. Therefore it is smart to do the same research you would when looking for human health insurance. There are so many different variations so you need to know what you are looking for. It is easiest to do this research online as it is easy and the best place to get all the information you need.

There are a lot of websites that have comparison lists. These lists have all the insurance companies and the plans they provide. This way you can go through the list rather easily and be able to choose more wisely because you have all the information. Pick a few key points that you are not willing to compromise on which will help you eliminate many of the plans. Then you can focus on the other extras that you can get and at what price.

Different people desire different things out of their pet insurance. Be sure that you know exactly what you are getting when you get pet insurance. For example, it is important to know if kennel costs will be covered if you decide to board your pet for a weekend. You should also know if you can take your pet to any doctor that you choose or if there is only a certain approved list of doctors. Preventative care is also on the minds of many pet owners. Many of them want to have the insurance cover all check ups, shots and any other measures taken to prevent illness. These are just some of the many small details that you need to look into when buying pet insurance.

Not only do you need to look at the services offered by the specific companies but you also need to look into the company itself. It is important that they have a good reputation and are credible. You can often find this out by asking your veterinarian for good recommendations or ask if they have ever worked with a specific company before. They are the best source to tell you how an insurance company works and well they service their customers.

There are many people who simply take the easy road and get the cheapest insurance that they can. However, if you do this you'll end up regretting it in the end. You want to make sure your new pet insurance covers the costs that you have anticipated and that the company will work with you when a claim needs to be made.

Milos Pesic is a veterinary doctor who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Pet Insurance web site. If you want to know more about Pet insurance, Dog insurance, Cat insurance, Pet insurance Online and much more visit his site at:

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The other day I came across a great quote by Paul.C over on EMR Update.

"Choosing an EMR is like getting married: Unless you make a really lousy choice, you will be happier than before.. It can take as long to find an EMR as a spouse, and it's a huge deal to divorce your EMR and wed another. I'm still waiting to see if I have a midlife crisis with my EMR."

The idea of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software has attracted much debate as of late. Physicians are hearing about the benefits of EMR, and the impending federal mandates concerning the conversion over to electronic medical records. Unfortunately a common mistake committed is that we tend to rely solely on the EMR vendor to make the right hardware and implementation recommendations. You must consider the product, its fitness for your specialization, the cost, ease of implementation, office work flow changes, ROI and long term non-financial benefits such as improved quality of care, automation, and quality of life changes. Here are some tips you can use to help ensure that you can make the right choice.

The simplest path to purchasing an EMR could be Planning, Vendor Selection, Request for Proposal, Support, Client/Server vs. Web Based EMR and the Final Considerations.

let us look at each stage,


Before jumping onto the proverbial EMR/EHR (electronic medical records/electronic health records) bandwagon, it is important to look at the total picture. The place to begin would be to examine your motives for thinking that it is time to convert over to electronic medical records. Perhaps asking yourself whether you want to improve patient care or the efficiency of the office, or whether you want to make more money or the fact that you want to go home earlier might be factors in establishing your goals of implementing the electronic Medical Records system at your practice.

Next let us outline a couple of financial based studies that a Physician can do to help with the selection process

EMR Cost-Benefit Analysis: This is an estimate of costs against benefits done by the EMR system. Some of the most common costs that are taken for granted or overlooked are staffing, transcription, billing and collection costs, office supplies, chart management, and storage. By weighing the cost of the EMR against the current expenses like those mentioned above that might decrease upon the implementation of an EMR, we get get good idea of the cost benefit.

EMR ROI: The Return On Investment (ROI) is more a exact form of assessment than a Cost Benefit Analysis. Keeping in mind that it is not simply the product, but how it is utilized, the physician needs to think of the impact on other systems such as billing, networking and other computer systems. How will the interfacing work? What is his time and that of his staff's worth? In addition to the EMR software, costs for maintenance and upgrades to the software, additional hardware, and hardware maintenance costs are incured. How will this affect the ROI?

EMR Vendor Selection:

With so many variations in feature and functions of the EMR products existing, the question of technical proficiencies needs to be addressed. If the product is too technically advanced for the user full use of its capabilities may not be possible and this would result in paying more for more than is required and not getting the benefits of a good return on your investment. This is why matching up the practice with the right EMR is so critical.

No two practices are identical, so choosing an "off the shelf" EMR application vendor will introduce costly shortcomings in the effectiveness of its use. Almost all practices use some type of EMR application and Practice management Solution. Most Vendors provide complete solutions that are actually well interfaced individual applications. These have their own data bases and data communication is via interfaces. This has been the cause of widespread concern because duplicity of the data entered and the chances of incorrect or forgotten details occurring. Savvy vendors tightly integrate the two there by ensuring that you get the benefit of the seamless work flow.

Ask the right questions when you interview the EMR Vendors: Before interviewing the EMR Vendor you must spend time researching on EMR products and trying to understand which one best suits your practice. A set of questions must be prepared well in advance before you meet the vendor. Some questions that you might want to ask are, what is the cost per physician license? Do you have any existing clients in our specialty? Does your system come pre-loaded with templates for my specialty? Is your company the developers of the software or is it re-branded from another vendor? Is your system client/server based or ASP based? Does your system include practice management software? How many clients does your company have? Is your system HL7 compliant? How long has your company been in business? Is your development done overseas? Is support done overseas? How often is the software updated? As you meet more clients you will learn more.

Most importantly If the EMR vendor promises customization or enhancements to features that will suit your needs, get it in writing beforehand and add it to the contract. Remember, if it is not in writing, it doesn't exist.

RFP: Request for Proposal:

The most preliminary step in the decision making process, a request for proposal is sent to a set of shortlisted Vendors. Some may not respond to this as they would like to find out whether you are a serious buyer or just shopping for quotes. Responding to a RPF can be quite time consuming and expensive, so if you just want to know the cost you might want to ask for a "ball mark" Figure. Just try and make sure that This figure is broken down to an itemized account of the costs involved like
the cost of the software, installation of software, training on software application and in most case the travel expenses of the vendors training staff.

Don't be afraid to tell the companies that you are looking at different vendor quotes as this could allow you to drive a better price with little to no cost for customization.

Electronic Medical Record Support:

A common saying in the Software Industry best showcases the importance of support: "Clients buy on features and leave because of the lack of Support". While interviewing the EMR Vendor, be sure to check references asking about technical support. what is the maximum "on hold" time before your telephone call is answered? Do you get an issue tracking service which allows you to track online the
status of reported issues. What are the time frames involved with regard to the resolution of issues raised. A common mistake committed is the confusion of technical issues with customization needs. These should be treated separately, while a technical issue should be resolved by the technical support team, a customization requirement is bound to take to take longer as it is depended on the allocation of the
Programming staff and may even require a separate RFP.

As more and more Practices go with an EMR, the vendor is faced with a resource crunch and the need to add to the technical support team will grow. Some vendors address this problem quickly while others don't. As your Practice grows the need for additional training for the new hires by the EMR vendors technical staff may arise. inquiries on how this need will be met can be used to approximate how well the company is managing growth and how likely they will be able to support you in the future.

Deciding whether Your practice should opt for Client/Server or a Web Based EMR:

Both models have advantages and disadvantages. Lets explore the advantages and disadvantages of each model so that you'll be able to make an educated decision when choosing the right EMR for your practice. The Web Based EMR is a remotely hosted software system accessed via an internet web browser.
Its is usually accessed by paying a rental or service fee. As the server is not located in your office your initial setup costs are almost negligible with the added advantage that all technical aspects of the server are managed by a professional IT company. it is secure and HIPAA compliant. It also allows you to access all of your information at any time, from any place with internet access. The obvious disadvantage is that because the fees never stop the cost over the long term adds up and it usually ends up being more expensive than using a Client/Server-based system. You would also not be able to have the level of customization that you would like because the host server is being accessed by other practices so a generic template is offered that takes care of all users needs.

The Client/server EMR model on the other hand is much faster and depending on the number of patients and the size of the practice you might want to verify whether you can justify the vital seconds that are spent everyday waiting for data to transfer over the internet in a web based model especially during the peak traffic hours of internet usage. Client/Server also boasts the benefits of practice having the control over their data. However with this control comes with the responsibility of data management as you now become vulnerable to the risk of theft, fire, hard-drive failure and data corruption.

Final considerations:

Final vendor selection should include input from your office personnel. Will their lives become simpler in not having to file or track down the paper chart; or will they loose their job? The last being a major concern among most staff members. Studies have shown that Involving the staff members in the selection process can help in the success of its implementation.

A lot of people have asked me whether a practice should seek out the assistance of a professional EMR consultant? I feel the decision to move to an EMR is a big step. The practice is now recognizing the need to convert for many different reasons. This should be an exciting time in the practice, not a tumultuous uprising. Working with a professional organization during this time can remove much of the unease from the decision and implementation.

With years of experience in successfully providing Custom Health care Software Development solutions for clients across the globe, we at Binary Spectrum have honed our processes and skills to cater to your specific business needs. We do not believe in the "one box fits all" philosophy but instead work with our clients to acquire a greater understanding of the processes of their practice before implementing a customized Solution for them.

The Author Prakash T.C. is a Support Manager at Binary Spectrum

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