Blogger BlogNet97797

Choosing a Beautiful Wooden Picnic Table


I personally love wooden picnic tables, there's just something about them. They're so simple but they're elegant at the same time. I can't even remember when we got our very first picnic table, but I remember that I wanted one for a very long time! I spent weeks pestering my parents to get one because I saw one at school!

When I was quite young I remember my dad making one for us, I actually think that he built it out of a kit but it was still pretty impressive! I always loved to be outside in the garden when I was young, and now I still really enjoy it! I can still remember us all sitting around this lovely wooden table for our first picnic. I can still taste the food and smell the lovely fresh wood. I can even remember a beautiful butterfly which was basking in the sun on the picnic bench, I remember staring at it for ages, I was besotted by it! There's something about nature which will interest any child.

Normally picnics are held in a park miles away from home, so whether a meal on a table in your back yard counts I'm not sure. But at any rate it was an amazing meal. It was pretty simple, cold cut meat, potato salad, and of course some bread. There was also some green stuff which I never liked, and still don't really! Now the only difference is that I force myself to eat it rather than being forced! As soon as my mum put it down we all tucked in. After this we spent ages just taking in the sights. It's amazing at how different your backyard can look from a lovely wooden bench. I can remember spending ages just staring at the clouds wasting hours.

When I moved into my own place I had to consider getting my very own wooden picnic table. It can actually be surprisingly difficult to find a picnic table and also to buy one. When you don't know much about it then you may assume that all wooden picnic tables are the same, however they are all slightly different. There are different sizes for a start.

More subtle differences include the materials that the picnic table is made out of. You will be much happier with the picnic table if you choose one which is made out of a more durable and longer lasting material. You could even include one on a concrete base so that it will last for a very long time. It's not good enough just to look substantial, it also has to be sturdy and reliable. Remember it will be out in the garden for all weathers so you need to get a good quality one.

Guy Morris repeatedly makes newsletters on news associated to working with router bench and router dovetail jigs. From his reports, the author confirmed his capability on areas corresponding to how to use routers.

Landscaping Wilmington

Real Criteria For Selecting Website Hosting


Many people are getting into the website business these days. It seems like everybody wants a website for one reason or another. This is understandable. We are in an information revolution. Most of us instinctively go to the "net" when we want to find information about something. Maybe not so surprising, we usually find an excess of information on nearly any subject. We all seem to want to share information no matter whether it is personal, company info or technical knowledge that others can utilize.

It is quite easy to build a website today and there are limitless numbers of companies that offer website hosting. Some of those companies offer great service and some are not so good. There are many similarities in the packages being offered today and the choice may appear difficult. Although pricing should always be a factor, it should not be the main factor influencing your decision.

I personally believe that the number one issue to be concerned about should be customer support.

I don't care whether you are a seasoned veteran or a newbie publishing your first website, there will be a time when you require support from your hosting company.

Absolutely nothing is more frustrating than having an issue getting that new website up and running or troubleshooting a problem with an existing website when you can not get a response from your pleas from help from your hosting company.

Remember, if you have an issue at the hosting end that you can't resolve, your website is a "no-go" and any other efforts will be a waste until you get help.

It is not always a simple task to determine the quality of the support actually provided by a hosting company. My suggestion is to do considerable research and select a well established hosting company.

Bear in mind when you are reading the forums, nearly every company will have unhappy customers for a wide variety of reasons. When using forum feedback as a guideline, get a general feel from the majority of users and don't dwell on the minority posts by raving fanatics that frequent every line of business.

Send off a quick question to a potential hosting company and see how quickly they respond. If you fail to get a timely response from the get-go, don't expect things to get better beyond the point of signup.

Having spent so much time talking about customer support, I have not touched on actual hosting features. That may seem strange. Well actually in this day and age, the features are very similar but you should carefully compare those as well simply to ensure the hosting features you require will be provided. If you are going with an established company and you are new to the process, features will likely satisfy needs. Price and features can open up a whole new discussion but will not likely restrain the success of someone publishing a fresh new website.

For more information about website hosting issues please visit

Want Free Electricity?

Asp.Net version 2 was just recently released by Microsoft and contains a feature rich set of classes that can do just about anything imaginable. However if your thinking about hosting your 2 site on a shared hosting environment there are a few considerations you should know about before you take the plunge. If you have already upgraded you may be wondering why your site that was working fine in version 1.1 but now has problems working in Asp.Net version 2.

Code Access Security

If you receive one of those generic yellow error messages that say something like the following:

Security Exception

Description: The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission please contact your system administrator or change the application's trust level in the configuration file.

Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

The Reason? - Code Access Security!

As it turns out many shared hosting companies are setting the Security Trust level in the version 2.0 machine.config files to the default Medium setting then locking it down so it cant be overridden by the application.

This is great from hosting perspective but not so good if you are a developer that uses functions like xml.load from another website, webrequest, webclient,, etc or many other classes that a default medium trust setting doesnt allow.

What can you do?

There are a number of considerations on how to rectify this situation and the first is to contact your hosting company and ask them to create a modified version of the medium trust machine.config file to allow for the features you want to implement.

Microsoft has provided an article that describes this process and if youre hosting company is not aware of it than shame on them.

The article can be found here: How To: Use Medium Trust in ASP.NET 2.0

Give this a good read as it explains not only how to modify medium trust but also how to code for the medium trust settings.

If that is not an option you might want to consider recoding your entire website to conform to medium trust, not a very good option, or moving to a hosting company that will work with you for your particular needs.

Allowing open socket connections is a security risk for a hosting company, but if you can establish that your code is not malicious a reputable hosting company should provide you with proper security clearance to utilize the rich classes that version 2.0 has to offer. After all they are claiming to sell you version 2.0. And if you cant use version 2s classes than you are not getting what you paid for.

Over time there will need to be a balance between the hosting companies security needs and the ability of a web developer to utilize the classes that make version 2.0 so brilliant and I hope that time comes sooner rather than later.

John Belthoff is a Professional Audio Engineer and an Avid Web Developer who plays and also teaches Jazz Guitar in his spare time. His latest projects include the Internet Production Guide and he owns a small Asp Hosting Company. You can contact him at his personal web site Studio JB.

manifest a miracle

Blogger BlogNet97797: Aug 21, 2008

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