Blogger BlogNet97797

Choose The Size Of Your Site Carefully


There's a large supply of hosting companies on the Internet just waiting for your business to come their way. A lot of them will be alike, offering the same or very similar hosting packages at several different prices. The services they offer may sound enticing and "just what you wanted," but one service you just have to put both your eyes on is the amount of disk space that will be available to you on your host's server.

This space has to be large enough to hold your data, photos and graphics, web site files, databases, ebooks, articles, blogs and anything else you might want to include. You certainly have to think about some of the space requirements you will need for the online projects and processes you will have on your website. If you choose way more disk space than you need, you will be throwing money in the waste basket. Not enough disk space will not run your processes adequately and might even cause your site to stop working and be unavailable to your customers.

Simple 10-page websites without a lot of graphics would take 1 MB of space, or less. A good number of hosting services start with anything from less than 1 MB to 5 MB of available space...more than enough for most smaller websites. This choice would be perfect for family sites mostly used to announce reunions, gatherings, births, graduations, etc. More than 1 MB of space (3-5 MB probably) would be needed if photos are planned for part of the family togetherness and sharing. If you planned a genealogy, family history, database on your site, for instance, you have just left the "simple" stage.

A larger site of 25-30 pages, with some pictures and graphics, maybe some ebooks, articles or tables of the available resources onsite...and possibly a small database of customer or visitor information, would require 2-3 MB as a bare minimum, leaving some room for light expansion. Just remember that pictures, graphics and databases require large amounts of disk space, and choose a large enough disk space package to more than cover what you plan to do. If you don't, your photos, graphics and databases won't load and your site might just freeze. If your estimate is 3-5 MB of needed space, it would be a good idea to choose the next highest package offered.

A more complex site of approximately 100 pages, with lots of graphics and JavaScript functions on most pages, including lots of text, could be 5 MB or more, depending on the size of the graphics. A site like this one would need a considerable amount of future expansion room (you know you will need it), so a disk space package in the 15-20 MB range would be a safe choice.

Finally, a complex commercial site with graphics and a database of 500-1000 products and maybe a second database of customers or replacement parts, would need far more disk space than all the other options put together. Databases just eat up disk space like candy and the more data entered into it, the larger it gets each day. You will need ample expansion room in order to keep your business running smoothly. Graphics can do the same thing. While your logical disk space estimate might be in the 50-100 MB range, 500 MB would be much safer to select.

Dan Thompson is a veteran website designer and has used numerous web hosts in his time. Dan specializes in writing web host reviews, his latest article is a Hostmonster Review. You can view Dan's latest web hosting review at

Applying E-Commerce Features at Your Web Host


E-commerce is another added service by web hosting nowadays. It is a website where transaction could take place. For this kind of website, hosting companies will have to provide some specific features. Firstly, there must be the shopping cart. There are many types of shopping cart that you can choose from. The more popular one that is being used a lot is Fantastico because it enables user to install shopping cart with a click. Two of the examples available are the osCommerce and the Agora shopping cart.

After having the shopping cart, the next thing you need is the SSL to make transaction a safe thing to do. As there are many credit card fraud going on today, security is utmost important for people who comes to the website. Having SSL will give you customers the added confidence. They will feel more secure when purchasing anything from your website online.

With security matters done, the next thing to have is enough space and bandwidth to allow as many customers as possible in your website. This is very important so that online shoppers will not face any errors while surfing or making payment in your website. Unlimited bandwidth is a must so that your website will be working perfectly even if you are overloaded with surfers browsing through the items in your website. If the online shopper keeps on facing problems while surfing, you would end up losing these customers. It could be worse if that particular customer spreads the word around about his experience with your website. Therefore, a perfect running website is very important.

In addition, the reliability of the website is a factor that we must consider. Servers must work fine at all time providing a 99.5% uptime all time. Surfers might go to your website at anytime. So, your website must be ready for them. For an example, customers who have just purchase something and went back to the website to check but could get to the website. It would be a horrible experience for that customer. They might think that they were cheated. This issue must be prevented to give customers the assurance of shopping at your website.

When deciding to get a web hosting for you shopping website, the price will depend on the scale of your business. A medium or small business can easily survive with a shared hosting while a larger company can get their own hosting for just 7$ a month. As for the function, it is very important that you can upload files or links to your website. To do that, you will need the FTP feature. With FTP, all that can be done easily.

Another thing to look out for is the technical support. This is very important if you are not very good with computer technically. So, you will have to depend on the technical support offered by the hosting company Therefore, you have to choose one that can solve your technical problem any time when they arise.

In conclusion, get a website depending on your needs. Remember all the important factors mentioned above when making your choice and you should have no problem at all. Do a research on the company you choose so that you won't fall into some sort of scam and end up being cheated.

In case you're shopping for a relaible budget web hosting, you should check out Hostmonster services. Hostmonster is one of the best hosting companies who offer unlimited addon domain, bandwidth, and disk storage - which means you can host unlimited website in just one account. Check out Host Monster hosting details as well as webmaster reviews at

Article by Phil Anderson.

Reseller shared hosting is housing and servicing files for a particular web site. Generally an individual or small business is not able to afford to get a large slice of the pie on the Internet on their own for their presence on the web. Reseller shared hosting can provide this having the option to outsource the Internet requirements at a lower cost to them.

What does reseller shared hosting do?

By using reseller shared hosting it allows companies or individuals to share the cost of a fast Internet connection for serving files. These services are provided at a basic level and have an entry fee that they can choose. Reseller shared hosting offers the ability to host a web site on a powerful managed server that is professional and at a lower cost. A hosting reseller shared web site can provide individual web sites with redundant connectivity as well as uptime that is guaranteed. These plans provide a good solution for hosting needs that are entry level. This is because they are able to host small scale ecommerce sites and static web pages.

Good for Starters

Reseller shared hosting is popular among start up webmasters since it provides a web presence that is reliable without having advanced technical skills. A reseller shared hosting service is also an advantage to the smaller consumer since it assures them that they will be able to get transparent services. It also assures them that they will receive a domain name for their web site and e-mail addresses. Reseller shared hosting services are also very popular because they can offer the smaller consumer resources that are strong, low cost, and fast deployment. By paying an affordable as well as predictable monthly fee to a reseller shared hosting service the consumer can then get reliable expertise and better, faster connections than a dial up service will be able to provide to them.

The Price is right

Reseller shared hosting is good for the smaller consumer since it will allow them to outsource a web site that is high traffic and content rich for a fraction of what it would cost to hire someone to develop it in house. Because of this many individuals and small businesses choose the option of reseller shared hosting.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of affordable reseller hosting review site where you can find ratings and information on web hosting including canada reseller web hosting companies that suits your needs.

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Blogger BlogNet97797: Aug 2, 2008

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