Blogger BlogNet97797

Revolution of Health and Wellness Is Helping The Average Consumer Get Smarter!

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The health and wellness revolution is helping the average consumer to get healthier!
With my involvement in many health conscious on-line communities I am happy to finally see thousands of people enrolled in memberships in top sites! Although many of my community buddies are educated in the health industry the newest blog posts are from the average consumers eager to
transform their health and looking for the right information to help them do it!

Web presences like Dr. Mercola and News Target have had the joy of seeing tremendous growth over the last year. I am amazed at how much of an impact sites like this have had. These two sites alone have had major impact on the lives and well-being of so many people. They not only educate on the dangers we face today in health but they have science to back it up! I constantly read blog posts from people that have just recently become aware of the dangers of drugs and chemicals. These people are changing their whole lives for the better because sites like this have opened their eyes!

Mike Adams of News Target has branded himself well as the Health Ranger he has several great books on health subjects and he has exposed many shocking truths about our foods and water. His site is an encyclopedia of health information. His other site appropriately called Truth Publishing is his online bookstore. His motto is Information that Empowers. You can spend days surfing his site! He has dedicated his life to his passion! It is incredibly thorough and I promise you will walk away from
that computer empowered, shocked and grateful!

Dr. Mercola takes a great deal of time looking for the best of the best in products. He sells very few items on his site but his finds are top notch for health and healing! He has the lovely Lucy on youtube sharing great recipes with us as well as several of his own health updates. His motto is Take Control of Your Health and he has hundreds of thousands of pages and videos on how to do just that! I have tried several of his products and liked them all. He has even created a superb whey protein drink as well as a nutritional masterpiece in his CocoaCassava bars.
If you haven't already found these terrific sites I recommend you check them out right now! As a health activist, it is my duty to tell you so please spread the word! Remember education=empowerment!!

Dorothy Minichiello is a passionate health activist stemming from years of struggling with Epstein barr virus and the quest for obtaining her own good health. She enjoys sharing the most life enhancing products and information available on the market today to help every person on their own personal health and spiritual journey. You can find more great information by visiting Dorothy's website:


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