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Brits Pay the Price For Home Blunders

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Accidents do happen - and apparently they happen a lot. New research has revealed that there are five million accidents in British homes each year, collectively costing homeowners 1.35billion.

The study from a home insurance provider emphasises the need for people to take out accidental damage cover in their home insurance policies - however, nearly a third of us go without it.

There are many reasons why these accidents occur so frequently. Young children are said to be responsible for around 136million of damage every year, pets are to blame for 87million and our own drunken behaviour causes 95million worth of damage. DIY is also a big problem - mishaps from Handy Andy impersonators cause a total bill of 149million.

All of these unfortunate home blunders leave homeowners to cope with severe financial losses because they are not properly insured. With this in mind, the home insurance company is urging people to think carefully about the level of cover they apply for as well as the price.

Online comparison tools are an easy way of finding cheap home insurance. However, it's important you compare policies like for like and make sure you closely examine the terms and conditions to ensure there are no exclusions. For example, will your home insurance provider cover you if an accident occurred as the result of your own drunken behaviour? Many won't.

If you're unsure about the level of cover you have - ask. Policy features to look out for include new for old replacements on items, alternative accommodation in case you are forced to temporarily relocate and, of course, accidental damage itself.

You can compare home insurance policies online at a comparison website. To drive down premiums add security measures to your home but always be honest with your home insurance provider so you don't invalidate a claim.

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