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Health Benefits of Vitamin D

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Many people chose not to take a multivitamin daily. Even though that is a personal choice, some people are simply unaware of the potential health benefits that most vitamins offer. For instance, vitamin D aids in the formation and in the maintenance of strong bones. Many people who don't get enough vitamin D often suffer from muscular weakness and weak bones; therefore, it is important to be aware of the health benefits that each vitamin has to offer.

Vitamin D can be absorbed by your body in many different ways. First of all, you can gain vitamin D by consuming several foods, such as: fish, eggs, fortified milk, and cod liver oil. Vitamin D can also be absorbed through sun exposure. Many researchers state that just ten minutes in the sun daily provides a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Taking a multivitamin daily is yet another, more traditional way of obtaining an adequate amount of vitamin D.

Some of the benefits that vitamin D offers include: maintaining normal blood levels of calcium, aids in absorbing calcium, aids in maintaining strong bones, aids in the formation of strong bones. Recent studies also show that vitamin D may provide protection from osteoporosis, hypertension, cancer and several autoimmune diseases. People who are at a higher risk of suffering from a Vitamin D deficiency include elderly people, dark skinned people, and obese people. However, even if you do not fit into one of those categories, you should still attempt to maintain an adequate vitamin D intake. For most people under the age of fifty, the adequate amount of vitamin D intake is 5 mcg (200 IU) daily. For individuals over the age of fifty, the adequate intake goes up to 10 mcg daily (400 IU) daily. If you are unsure what the proper vitamin D intake is for you, don't hesitate to speak with your doctor. This is a very simple step which could aid in the maintenance and health of your bones.

Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition.
Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies, diet pills, and hoodia gordonii

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