Blogger BlogNet97797

Cars and Water Do Mix

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Can you run your car on water? There is actually a new water fuel technology out there which enables cars that run on water by breaking down the chemical bond of the oxygen and hydrogen atom from the water molecule in order to extract a safely combustible gas.

This makes it possible to run your car on water that is, the extraction will be mixed with the existing fuel/air mixture to create a more efficient fuel source. So this is the basic principle how to convert your car to run on water. There is a growing amount of people that are tired of the increasing gas prices, which embrace this new technology that shows them how to save gas.

What can be called "water-fuel technology" is age old, over 91 years. All we've done is raise it from the dead and develop a simple structure based on low cost hardware. The water and its Hydrogen-Oxygen products are used as a boost or "catalyst" for better combustion of gasoline. 100% water cars are not in our scope of activity. This technology (based on brown's gas) is not capable of running a car on water alone. The aim is not to replace gasoline but to enhance it, with correct fine-tuning you can double a vehicle's mileage. Installation of the water gas generator to a vehicle can be EASILY done by ourselves, or by any good mechanic. This technology is only for gasoline / diesel cars and trucks.

How can water (a non-flammable substance) generate energy? By using electricity from the car's battery, water can be broken down to hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen can be used as a fuel and move the car. This fuel is also called Brown's gas or HHO and it is 3 times more powerful than gasoline! This way we can run our car on a mixture of gasoline and water and enjoy a great fuel economy. We only need to make some small modifications in a car's engine and after that we can start saving hundreds of dollars every month on gas. Once assembled, this device can be installed within a few minutes and leaves no traces if you decide to remove it from the vehicle. We need a sealed quart size container, electrical wiring, baking soda and some vacuum tube. Water will be in the sealed container under the hood and can be converted to Brown's gas, using electricity from the car's battery.

To find out more about using water to run your car and get a free question and answer report please visit


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