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Department Of Pain Medicine

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A large number of roads, in the management of cancer pain medicine in mesothelioma.

The following is very widely used for cancer:

1. Oral: This method involves medication by mouth in the form of tablets, capsules or liquid form;

2. Transdermal absorption (skin) patch: This bandage across - such as patch placed on the skin, and the so-called Chinese medicine to continue through the skin over a period of 2 -3 days;

3. Injection. The use of injection, which can be considered in the method:

A) subcutaneously (Shula) - Here, medicine, injected just under the skin using a small needle;

B) In the intravenous (IV) injection - where injecting drug directly to the use of intravenous needles;

C) intrathecal and epidural injection - here and around the spinal cord medicine injection (intrathecal), or in the space surrounding the spinal cord (epidural);

D) In the pump - in the treatment of this type of mesothelioma, mesothelioma patients can regulate or control the amount of pain medicine. When the pain relief required, computerized pump connected to the body of the patient is paid by the patient or the principals at the bottom. This makes pre-dose of pain medicine to be delivered.

If these drugs or road management, in the treatment of mesothelioma do not work for you, there must be other ways of mesothelioma treatment will work. Mesothelioma patients with their doctors should be on pain medicine, you need most. In mesothelioma cancer, mesothelioma patients may need drugs, in particular mothers, or combination of drugs, if:

-- No pain relief;

-- Pain medicine does not work, as the time for physicians;

-- Breakthrough pain;

-- Side effects should not be

-- Without these activities do not meet the usual

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