Blogger BlogNet97797

Give Yourself Enough Time when it Comes to Transporting a Vehicle!

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To avoid the most common problems that occur during auto transport, give yourself enough time when shipping your vehicle. "Don't wait until the last minute or short notice", states Chris who runs an auto transport brokerage of over 10 years in California. "This will avoid common issues like, the car not being delivered on time or over paying for expedited vehicle transport." "Giving yourself at least 4 - 8 weeks out when shopping auto shipping services", is what he recommends.

Michelle who runs a vehicle shipping website in Boston comments, "It seems that most consumers are not familiar with the auto transport process or first timers and usually shop their needs only 2 weeks out or less before the car needs to be picked up." "If more industry websites educated the customers with this information readily available it may help." She also adds "car transport is an unpredictable industry. You relying on factors you cannot control at times, like the weather, or the reliability of the auto carriers, which can & do breakdown sometimes." When this happens the vehicle is usually late and if youre depending on it to be there at a certain time your going to have a problem."

To avoid issues it's our understanding to give yourself plenty of time in advance to get the best shipping rates and avoid delays. If the car arrives before you do, you can have someone there to meet the driver or you have it dropped off at an auto transport terminal. You can than pick it up when you arrive at the destination. Most auto transport brokers and carriers have terminal drop offs in most major US cities and usually close by major airports. Ask your preferred auto shipper for specifics.

To recap how to avoid the most common problems when shipping your car the following 3 steps are recommended:

1. Shop your auto transport early. At least 1 -2 months are highly recommended.

2. To get a better rate & avoid delays in your vehicle being picked up (especially if you live in a remote area) arrange to drop your car off at a terminal with your shipper.

3. If your car is being transported from a warm climate into a cold one make sure the right measures are taken to winter your vehicle.

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