Blogger BlogNet97797

The Various Stages of Acne

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Acne (also known as pimples) is common among people who have oily skin. Though these don't appear on the face throughout the lifetime but there are certain stages in your life when the chances of acne appearing on your face are highest.

The stages are either when you are moving from the phase of puberty to teenage or when you are climbing up the ladder of your life and have crossed forty's. The primary reason behind the emergence of acnes is the change in hormonal activity. Due to this, oil glands present beneath skin produce large amount of oil than normal.

The excessive amount of oil which skin is not able to absorb clogs the pores which are present in the skin as skin try to ooze out the extra oil produced. As a result of this activity body sends autoimmune response and white blood cells present in blood comes at the place where the pores are clogged. Due to nature of oil white blood cells are unable to perform their role and this lead to formation of acne as white blood cells absorb some oil and stay there. Due to increase in size they are unable to move. The dense mass of dead white blood cells solidifies to form what we call as acne.

Though the life span of acne is rather small, usually less than ten days but in some extreme cases it can take bit longer to disappear till the hormonal activity is restored. As people, both aged and teenagers are unable to do anything, they get stressed and in rare cases, depressed. But care must be taken not to touch acnes, zits or pimples hardly as they can leave a permanent mark on your face which looks worse.

During teenage, this is not only the change occurring in the body. You get attracted towards opposite sex. During this period, there is a strong desire to look smart and clean but acnes tend to become hindrance in this motive. Thus, teenagers of both sexes seem depressed when acne appears on their face.

There is no need to get depressed and one must understand that this is a natural activity over which no one has his control. The same is with the people over forty in age. This activity is not in their hands and hence shouldn't get depressed if acne appear on their face. In many cases, acne is prominent during the post menstrual phase in women.

If acne is a problem, there is a solution to it. But mostly teenagers get impatient on the appearance of acne and older people look this activity with suspicion as why spots are emerging after such a long gap of their life. They tend to get stressed thinking if something is wrong with their body. But for both age groups it is advised that they should act sensibly as there are many ways to fight the problem of acne. The need is to stay clean. Clean your face many times a day and take daily bath. These are some precautions with which you can easily fight the menace of acne.

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