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Travel Anxiety - How to Manage Travel Anxiety?

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People with panic disorder tend to get anxious and pangs of fear whenever there is a trip drawing near. Now, most people want to know whether there is a way to ward off these fears and anxieties in near future.

Yes, there are several ways to manage travel anxiety. First, you need to determine the situation you are in and figure out a great plan for make a trip more enjoyable.

It is a great idea to discuss with your therapist prior to planning a trip. Here, the focus needs to be given on penning down all your thoughts as you go through the steps and then discuss with your therapy about your future plan.

- Steps:

a) Analyze the situation

Go through the whole trip step by step. Here, you must include how you would travel, all your accommodations, people you would meet, the activities you would engage in etc. Thereafter, you need to determine your anxiety regarding each plan. Once you do this, just rate the overall anxiety level.

b) Honesty

You require to be honest and very realistic regarding what's possible. Here, you need to work with your therapist. You must make sure that you have enough time to prepare for the trip and the events associated to it.

Do not care about pressure coming from other people. In case, you decide that you are unable to take a specific trip, you owe it to yourself to work on the fears that restrict you from doing so.

c) Plan

You must come up with a plan in order to do something about your fear. As soon as you decide to go out on a trip, make a list of each step involved in the trip and also any fear related to it. Once, the list is ready, it is time to decide on what to do for each fear that you encounter when going out on a trip.

d) Decide on fears that need to be removed

For instance, if you fear flying and have about six months to prepare the entire trip, fix up a meeting with a cognitive behavioral therapist to discuss on the fear you face. Tell him about the fears you encounter at a specific period of time in order to work on it in an organized manner.

e) Feel comfortable

You need to do everything that makes you feel comfortable for a trip. Go for shopping and buy some good and important stuff for yourself.

f) Stay organized

Plan for your trip way ahead. Do not make last minute reservations. This will only create panic.

g) Speak to other people

Try to speak to other people who face the same problem. This will make you feel much better. Try to be a member of a local support group.

h) Inform your friends

Keep your friends informed about panic disorder.

i) Avoid rush

Try to be on time and a little early. This will relax you.

j) Breathe

Focus on breathing. Take slow and deep breathe.

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about PANIC ATTACKS and ANXIETY please visit PANIC ATTACKS ADVICE and DEPRESSION GUIDES

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