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Wedding Gifts - The Good VS the Bad!

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Are you invited to a wedding and are not sure what to buy for the happy couple? Or are you married and have funny memories of bad wedding gifts? Either way, this list will be good entertainment and good information!

So what makes a great wedding gift anyway? It's probably fairly obvious, to most of us anyway, what would be considered a bad wedding gift. The strangest wedding gift I received was a shovel and a rake! However, since we had just bought our first home and got married simultaneously, it was put to good use and much appreciated in that situation. Had we been an older couple, on our 2nd marriage and combining households or if we had lived in an apartment... that would have been a bad gift!

These examples are light-hearted, and a bit silly. But don't be fooled... people have actually received these bad list items (and purchased them)!

Good Wedding Gifts:

  • Anything on the couple's registry!

  • Gift cards to the couple's favorite restaurants, stores, honeymoon registry, or wedding registry store(s).

  • Kitchen tools.

  • Yard and garden items for a young couple with a new home.

  • Personalized home items.

  • Fun honeymoon or "his & hers" just married items!

  • Picture frames for displaying wedding photos

  • China pieces from the couple's chosen set.

  • Good quality towels & linens.

  • Cash!

  • Bad Wedding Gifts:

  • Anything on the couple's registry that someone else has already bought!

  • Gift cards to stores/restaurants that the couple doesn't like or are too far away.

  • Bathroom cleaning tools.

  • Yard and garden items for a couple that live in an apartment or older couples.

  • Air fresheners or coasters!

  • Matching knitted "his & hers" hats & mittens.

  • Bachelor party photos!

  • Random, dust-collecting crystal trinkets.

  • Un-matching and/or cheap towels.

  • IOU's for cash!
  • Gift givers - Normally, couples enjoy thoughtful gifts or gifts that help to commemorate their special day. If you don't know the couple well enough personally to come up with a custom, wedding gift, stick to what's on their registry list. If possible, always include a gift receipt just in case.

    Couples - Getting a few bad gifts is unavoidable, but you should still send a 'thank-you' card anyway for the thought. Have some mercy, because some people just have different ideas about what makes a great gift! If you are really lucky, you'll be able to rejoice with the gift receipt!

    Krista Dunk, Founder & CEO
    "Helping Pacific Northwest Couples Plan Their Dream Weddings & Successful Marriages""
    Olympia, WA
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