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World Of Warcraft Horde Leveling Tips

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Horde players in the World of Warcraft often wonder how to get their level as high as possible, as quickly as possible. After all, other players seem to manage their Horde leveling quickly. Why is it you have to be stuck grinding for so long, while other Horde players shoot ahead? There are a few things that you can do and tips you can use to improve your leveling speed when playing Horde.

First, be sure to go to the capital Horde city, Orgrimmar, as soon as possible. From there, you can catch a zeppelin ride to Tirisfal Glades. Once there, look for Brill, an undead town, where you will be able to find fairly easy quests that will deliver a reasonable amount of experience. This is the best and fastest way to reach Level 10. Also, accept that at some point or other, you will have to spend a lot of time in the Barrens. This is perhaps a boring aspect of leveling a Horde character, but it is inevitable.

Secondly, don't be tempted to just grind. Remember that working on Horde quests suited to your level is more efficient. If you manage to do some questing with your grinding, you'll level up faster. Good Horde Leveling Guides always teach you how to level using a 90% quest, 10% grind strategy. To make questing more efficient, queue them up in a given Horde area. This lets you complete all the quests in one area without having to run back and forth turning them in.

Remember to use your hearthstone. Binding it to an inn in a nearby Horde town while you're questing or when you're taking a break from the grind can help you to save time. Also, try and group with other Horde players for quest completion. You will be able to complete much harder quests in a much faster time. It's inefficient to compete against other Horde players for quest completion the World of Warcraft Quest system was designed for cooperation. Furthermore, logging off in a Horde inn will ensure you gain the maximum amount of rested XP possible.

Consider a utility to help you track your hourly experience gains. This will help you see whether or not your grinding and questing strategy is efficient and effective.

Try to avoid running too many instances. While instances have excellent gear, they are often a real time sink. You could be leveling up your Horde character instead of waiting for the rest of your party to show up. Make it a habit to run instances only if you really need the rewards that come from them.

Another factor where a lot of time gets eaten up is travel. If you want to level fast, turn in quests in the general location of where you're grinding. If it's too far away, just wait until later. Try to turn in multiple Horde quests at the same time so you aren't running back and forth across the continent or different Horde zones all the time.

Lastly, consider the advantages of using a Horde Leveling Guide. You see them advertised all the time, and you should be warned that the majority of them are scams. However, there are a few diamonds among the dirt. Most of the Horde players you see leveling fast are using a Horde Leveling Guide. While there are some free Horde Leveling Guides available online, like everything free, you only get what you pay for. A Horde Leveling Guide can ensure you are on smart strategy and can really help you out if you want to level your Horde character fast.

Learn more about the best and fastest ways to level your Horde character, as well as more on the Top World of Warcraft Horde Leveling Guides available online at

Jon Diz is an avid Warcraft fan and hardcore WoW gamer. He recently discovered that an overwhelming majority of World of Warcraft guides on the internet are scams, and thus created a website, The WoW Authority, to ensure that fellow World of Warcraft players never get cheated again by useless or fraud guides. Find out more about his detailed reviews and top recommendations on World of Warcraft Gold and Leveling Guides at

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