Blogger BlogNet97797

Your Online Business - Twelve Ways To Make Money

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The three keys to your online business profits are: Traffic, Traffic, Traffic! Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business. Without traffic:

It doesn't matter how good your sales page is, no one will see it.

It doesn't matter if you have the best product in the world, no one will care.

The finest website on the planet will not be seen or appreciated by anyone.

The finest and most responsive advertising will earn you nothing.

Everything that happens on the Internet is the result of traffic. Good traffic will earn you good results. Great traffic will yield great profits. Poor traffic will guarantee you poor results. You must generate people coming to your site. But how can you develop traffic to your website or blog? Following are a dozen ways to generate traffic for your online business.

1. Write articles. Make sure you have a good resource box that links to your website or product.

2. Distribute viral ebooks.

3. Post in forums. Use a signature file with links on every post you enter.

4. Use free advertising. Develop a good classified eye that captures attention.

5. Advertise in ezines.

6. Trade advertisements with other sites and blogs.

7. Pay for reviews of your site or product.

8. Swap reviews with other webmasters.

9. Use Pay-per-click programs.

10. Comment frequently to blogs with related content. Make sure that all comments you add include a link to your site or product.

11. Use social bookmarking sites.

12. Enter into joint ventures with other webmasters.

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