Blogger BlogNet97797

Blogs That Make Money - How To Make A Big Buck Blog

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In this article we are going to take a quick look at a very SMALL subsection of the blogging universe: Blogs that make money! Did you know that the average online content creator makes just enough money each year to buy 3 Grande Starbucks Coffee's per annum? It's true...most folks are simply not making even the smallest dent in their piggybank on the back of their online publishing potentials...but if you have BIGGER and better plans, let me show you a better way! Read on..:-)

Content is King, but...

There is NO question that the key to a profitable blog is content! You've got to have lots of it to keep fresh eyeballs coming in, the search engines stopping by and the affiliate revenue rising to red hot returns. But...if you think you've got to create all of the killer content yourself...THINK again!

While it's always smart to keep your own content on the top of your reader's minds, you can also use the absolute AVALANCHE of publicly available material to augment, supplement and simply add a sensational amount of super stuff to your existing marketing message. (Or - even a non marketing message as well)

Industry news, videos, audios, lists, name it, you can grab them and incorporate this stuff SEAMLESSLY into your internet marketing empire to add credibility and auto updating, hands off, content into your blog with push button simplicity. And this is the sort of stuff that doesn't only bring the brings the human readers equally as quick!

And STOP Looking for the Magical Solution Out "There".

Focus on the magic within. You have it, I know you do. We ALL do. The one certitude online is this: Content is king. And creativity is coveted. Show you have lots of both in areas that you care most about, and people will beat down your door to revel in it. They do for me, and I guarantee the same for you as well. Life is short, and the journey of 1000 miles begins with one simple step. What are you waiting for?

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