Blogger BlogNet97797

What Can Blogging Be Used For Anyways?

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There are 3 main methods for blogs. What can blogging be used for? Well let's take a look.

1. Niche blog - These blogs focus on one subject or topic. It can be anywhere from the letter A to hot tub accessories. Niches are endless. If you would like to start a niche blog because you have extensive knowledge in a certain area, you'll need to define your niche first.

I would recommend keeping your niche very specific until you know exactly what you're doing. If you know stuff about gardening, try setting your niche to be gardening tools or gardening techniques. Gardening is too vague of a topic and it's tons to cover.

2. Eclectic blog - These blogs are about anything. This is very comparable to a journal. Do you want to start one? Go ahead! All you need is something interesting to write about and there you go. Eclectic blogs are diaries.

A great example of an eclectic blog is Jauhari, owned by Nurudin Jauhari. He not only shares a niche type of content related to blogging, he shares personal and random ideas. One post can talk about a new design he created, and the next can talk about the importance of lawyers.

3. Automated blog - Automated blogs are usually meant to make money, but they aren't very useful. Most of them will capture the first paragraph from their assigned feeds, so readers won't get the full information. These can easily be created and flipped.

A .com domain, hosting, and a automated blog script can sell for $15 or more. With these three combined, it's actually the domain taking up all the expenses. If you want to flip blogs as fast as possible, try automated blogs. However, these blogs will be considered spam and nobody wants that.

There you go! Three methods for blogging. Want to get started? Take one of these molds and learn how to blog for profit. Even a 3 post blog can get monetized.

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