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I've Been Arrested For a DUI - What Do I Do Now?

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So this is your first time being arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) and you have no idea what to do now. What's the next step? It's an overwhelming and stressful situation. However, if you follow these five tips outlined below, perhaps it will help ease the worry:

1. Request a DMV hearing as soon as possible. In some states you have a deadline to schedule a DMV hearing. If you have the means to, hire a DUI defense lawyer to do it for you. You want to make sure that the date of your DMV hearing doesn't conflict with your lawyer's calendar.

2. Recall as much as you can about your DUI arrest and write it down so you don't forget. Let your lawyer know everything that happened before, during, and after the arrest. Knowing these details makes it easier for your lawyer to help you. Do you remember the conversation between you and the arresting officer? What field sobriety tests did the officer make you do? Perhaps you may have said something that could be used against you during your trial. Did the arresting officer read you your Miranda rights?

3. Are you stressed out because your blood alcohol content (BAC) was over .08%? No worries. Your lawyer can investigate and find out if the device or method used to measure your BAC was accurate or not. Were you aware that there are many factors involved that could have affect your blood alcohol content? The food that you ate while you were drinking, any prescriptions or medication you're currently taking, and even your job could affect the results of a BAC test. There was once a DUI case in which a professional painter was arrested for drunk driving because some of the chemicals in the paint caused the breath analyzing device to register a high BAC.

4. Make sure to hire a drunk driving defense lawyer who specializes and has a great deal of experience in DUI cases.

5. Keep a positive and proactive attitude about the situation and don't give up! You can do it by yourself, but it's important to have people who support you, including a DUI lawyer who is professional and highly experienced. You'll feel more confident and have the assurance you need when it's time to go to court!

Maria Palma is a freelance writer dedicated to helping people with their San Diego DUI. Make sure to hire a professional and experienced DUI lawyer in San Diego

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