Blogger BlogNet97797

Avoid Acne by Preventing It

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Prevention is usually better than cure.

Some of the ways to prevent the outbreak of acne:

Wash your skin properly Use soap or a cleanser labeled "for sensitive skin" to wash if you have delicate skin. Rub your skin lightly with warm water wipe your face gently. Benzoyl peroxide soap is great if you have oily unmanageable skin.

Keep a lookout for oily products Some products like heavy oil-based moisturizers, and even oily cleansers such as cold cream will aggravate your skin problems.

Avoid touch your face too much with your hands Sometimes our hands contain germs and bacteria which will cause the the growth of bacteria on our face to increase. Sweaty headbands and wristbands included.

Use water-based makeup Water-based makeup as opposed to oil-based makeup is less likely to cause acne.

Watch out for iodine High levels of iodine in some multi-vitamins and salts may encourage acne.

Eat orange foods such as clementines, carrots, oranges, and other citruses. This will not only help clean up acne, but also make your skin softer and stronger.

Don't stress out Keep stress at a low level whenever possible.

Drink plenty of water By keeping your body system hydrated it can manage waste products more efficiently thus improving your acne condition.

Make sure you change your pillow case every week When you sleep on it, most of your germs and bacteria are passed onto your pillow case and back onto your skin making acne worse.

Even if your face still start to break out in pimples. You can try out some of the common ways to lessen its effects.

Do not exfoliate your face. Exfoliating refers to removing the top layer of dead skin cells using a rough washcloth, or specially designed product. But skin with acne is already irritated, and scrubbing can make things worse by spreading the infection. Avoid using brushes, rough sponges or clothes, cleansers with granules or walnut hulls, or anything else of that nature on the delicate facial skin. For the back and chest, where skin is less sensitive, you can try one of the acne scrub pads along with soap that contains benzoyl peroxide.

Some of the best face washes use 5-10% benzoyl peroxide for mild to moderate acne and 10% for

Try smashing one tablet of aspirin in a small bowl, then adding lemon juice to the mixture. Apply to the affected areas overnight. It boosts the healing process while reducing redness.

Skin care products with salicyclic acid and chemical peels with glycolic acid are very useful in removing dead skin cells from the pores, effectively and quickly. However, you can not use them if you are already using topical retinoids.

Diet/Food: You also need to alter your bad eating habits. Oil and greasy food although have been proven to not have anything to do with acne. But if you encounter some food that may directly affect your acne, you may have to take note of it.

putting toothpaste on your face, cover it with a bandage, and keep it on overnight will make it look much better in the morning if you have a date to go out on.

Applying shaving cream to your pimple will dry it up. It disappears by morning, but wash your face after waking up.

The top five nutrients that people report great results with is :

2.Vitamin A-from fruits and vegetables,oatmeal, as well as cantaloupe, honeydew melon, broccoli, spinach and sweet potato.
3.Vitamin E-Almonds, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, spinach, broccoli and mango are all great sources of it.
4.Selenium-vegetables, meats , bread ,Brazil nuts and walnuts
5.Chromium-found in brewer's yeast.

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