Blogger BlogNet97797

How to Get Steady Traffic to Your Blog

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Here is a tip for building up steady traffic to your blog. This one actually works and it will not cost you a penny.

Post to your blog every day for a month. Then in the following month, post something every week. After that, post once a month for three months.

I have seen this work in practice. It has worked for me and I can see no reason why it should not work for you.

Using this method, I started a blog on a free blogging platform, and from the day I began, I posted relentlessly every day on average until after a month I had just over 30 posts of original content. I selected the three articles I thought were the best quality and submitted them to an article directory. I have had no training in writing and I do not consider myself to be a particularly skilful writer. Yet by the end of the month the blog was getting a steady traffic of around 300 a day.

Of course, 300 a day is a fairly modest traffic count, say compared to or, but it is not bad for a blog that has only been going for a month. Also the blog had no special features, it was giving away no free offers, it was not promising to change people's lives. But it attracted 300 a day. And to put this in perspective, if you have any Adsense on a blog, you will find on average that 1 in 10 visitors click on an ad, giving on average, roughly 10c a click, earning you $3 a day, or $90 a month.

Not much, you say? Remember though, that this is for an initial business outlay of exactly zero, zilch, nada.

But there is more to tell. I stopped posting on that blog about two months ago, and yet the blog is STILL getting a steady stream of visitors. On AUTOPILOT. It is doing this without needing any work from me. Occasionally I have a look at the blog stats. If it dips below a certain figure, I post a new article, or even leave a comment on one of my own posts! Sure enough the traffic rises again.

Now the other great thing about this method is that when I was working on getting the blog going, I did not feel like it was work! This is because I was just writing as though I was talking to someone. I did not feel anxious about whether my writing was skilled or stylish, I did not have to convince a publisher. I was able to just say what I thought and believed. Many SEO "experts" will try to tell you about this technique or that technique, but at the end of the day, simply coming right out and saying what YOU think is still probably the best way to get noticed, even on the huge ocean that is the internet.

Also I think it helps if you are talking about about something you are interested in. The blog I am talking about was actually on what you might call a "minority" niche, that is, where a fairly small percentage of the population would be interested, but those people would be VERY interested.

It may also be an important factor that the content of the post is original work. There has been much talk about whether or not the search engines favor originality. In my view, this question has not yet received a satisfactory answer, so more experiment is needed in order to test it.

You may be asking why everyone isn't using the above method if it works so well. The answer is that it requires patience, and from the evidence I see around me, most people do not have a great store of that virtue. You will not see instant results with this method. That is why most people give up and try some get-traffic-quick scheme or other.

I encourage you to experiment also. Using a free blogging platform, as I did, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Let us know how you get on by leaving a comment at one of the blogs whose links are given below.

All the best!

Robert Paterson writes on many and varied subjects, he enjoys giving helpful advice, and is a useful person to have on your pub quiz team. For more tips, ideas, help, advice, and information, click on or

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