Blogger BlogNet97797

To Blog or Not to Blog

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"To blog or not to blog" seems to be the modern day version of Hamlet's famous soliloquy. We're all told that "you need a blog" and it seems like a simple task. But once started it turns into a hopelessly futile commitment with no short-term gain. So this month we look at the reasons for blogging, how to make the blog easy to do and why blogging may or may not be for you.

First of all, and this is something I learned the hard way, don't expect ANY results from your blog in the first six months if not year. Although search engines do pick up blogs much faster than normal copy on a website you have to understand that like any other branding mechanism it takes a while for blogs to work. And because internet promotion is organic you can't manage it as easily as you might an ad campaign or even a traditional public relations campaign. Blogs work by the laws of ATTRACTION rather than promotion. But once they get going it's amazing what can happen. I was on a shoot the other day and the broadcaster casually mentioned how much she liked my blog. Huh? I had never met her before. Talk about credibility. My blog's been up for about nine months now.

I've attached some articles on the "how to" of blogging so I won't go into that here. The beginner's article still has some great stuff in it too even for the experienced blogger. I encourage you to visit Zimbio too, for more info.

I will say that as a business owner, author or consultant a blog gives you several unique advantages.

A blog improves natural search tremendously in the long run. Use blog directories (or have your VA do it) and keep the copy fresh.

It's the only mechanism that allows you to give your brand your own personal voice. Unencumbered by spin doctors or ad agencies. You can tell your customers EXACTLY what you want them to know and hear. How cool is that!

It's cathartic. Get started and you'll see what I mean. You can rant or praise in as thickly or thinly disguised of a manner as you want.

Eventually, you could generate revenue from affiliates. If you get enough traffic you might be able to have people PAY you to be on your blog. I just got my first request.

Finally, don't worry if folks don't comment. Unless you're talking about timely or provocative topics they just read. And one day, you might be standing at a shoot and have someone you've never met comment on it.

What are my favorite blogs right now? Visit the Blue Zones and find out how old you really are from New York Times bestselling author Dan Buettner and his team of longevity experts. Or go meet the sassiest gal in the world at Alytude.

Bonnie Harris is the president of Wax Marketing, a marketing and PR agency for small business. She also operates, a DIY marketing and PR site for entrepreneurs. Bonnie can be reached at

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