Blogger BlogNet97797

How to Make Money Blogging - A Beginner's Guide

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If you like to blog but don't know how to make money blogging then you're in the right place. In this article, I'll show you some easy ways to make money blogging.

Content Is King

First of all, congratulations on blogging. It is the best way to get hoards of people to your site and ready to open their wallets. Google and the other search engines absolutely love blogging. The main thing is to keep adding quality content, ideally at least once a week.


This is the easiest way to make money from blogging. What you do is to add a simple piece of code to your blog and suddenly you will see ads all over it. Whenever anyone clicks an ad, you get paid. It's as simple as that.

Get Paid To Review

There are also some sites out there that will pay you in return for reviewing their products. I would advise you to stay clear of these sites though, because Google and the other search engines do not look well on this practice. Just a heads up so you don't make this mistake.

Affiliate Marketing

This is great and is much better than AdSense, in my opinion, because you can make much more money. What you do is to link to another site that is offering some kind of product.

If people on your site click the link and then buy the product, then you'll make money. Usually, you can expect a minimum of $50 but there are some sites even offering you $1000!

Sure, you don't get paid per click like with AdSense. In this case, you only get paid for a sale. But, on average, you make much more money by doing affiliate marketing compared to AdSense.

Are you ready and serious about making money online? If you want to see more money in your account every day like me, then check out my free ecourse at

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